Town Crier F LOUýR 24-lb.L bag 69c His Bros. COFFEE 2-lb. can the delicious cheese-toastedi jcorn bubble that has set the wý,hole town rnunching.ILO GOLD WINNER p EACinE S Calif. Yeliow Vling. g Dozen, $1 .35 NOVEMBER 17. 1938 ýey sagv- 2% to3 bs. av lb...... ~~rFresh Young LOIN' ROAST I. SIRLOIN STEAKS, Tender and Juicy, lb.32 RLOUND STEAKS,. ,2 Tender- and Juiey, lb.32 PORTER HO USE 39e STEAKS, lb. Ail Selected Cuts OTROAST lb23C ,,ý Prime Short Rib ' Beeg, ýlb. .1 .14e. w PORK SAUSAGE4' lb ......... ARTrIC HOKES California fog-kist. Fresh green. Large size SPINACIl Tender, clean, broad leaves SWEET POTATOES Select stock of yaixns. CELERY Golden crisp hearts. Michigan's "iest Jumbo Bunvh, 1 9C CAIJLI FLOWER White, firm. heads...... .1ý 's, LB. 27c 8mai1 Leg o' Lamb .... lb. 33ck P"ALCE Ag" Quallty DEEFý ROUND BONELESS STEAK BE Cut to, ordet ýTentderetes lM. 38 lb. 48c .3for 25e 2bs. 19ce 5 lbs. 19C. Zbi.. 15C each. 19Ç CALAVOS.California Genuine. The aristocrat o 9 of them ail. Rich in flavor . .... 2 fo ORANGES .5 $ California Valencia. For fine flavor, juice .....5doz. $ Flori das bést large fruit, 3, doz, 69c OIueberries ........ :. .NO. 2 cari IEvery one of the ten it ms listed here seil regularly for 25c or more-at this attractive sale price they Irepresent a whopping big value. We suggest you buy Isever ai dollars worth. SIRLOIN STEAK Cut to ordetr l45c- paEsaVisa DAILY Fresh Caught TROUT, lb. 27' 2 lo bs. a ....... . ..... .27 Fresh SHRIMPS- I9 Special . . . . .... .. . . . l.b..9 Fr ,esh Sioled FINNAN NADDI ......l 9 SEAPOOD'SPECIALS SALMON-Moflarch Red 4 $ 1-1b. tail can, 29e . .. .....4 for $ SHRIMP-Moflarch Jumbo 6o$ can, l9c.................... -6 fr$ TUNA FISH-Monarch White 4 $ Meat, No. ','2 cari, 29c.......... for $ TUNA FISH-Yacht Club 6 $ Light meat. No. 1, cari. 19c. ..6 or $ -OLIVE- RIPE OLIVES-Mountam ne Valley, Colossal. Pint can, 35c.3~ for $1 STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES-Old Monk. Pint jar,. 2 for 9 5 C 40C . . . . . . . . . . . . SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES-Old Monk. Quart jar, '2for95e 49e ....................... fo GREEN - RIPE OLIVES- ~ $ Raggedy Ann. Pint can, 38,. . 3 for $ S S& W Choppel . MIXED FRUJIT, lb.* Centr Ct IFresh Dressed Centr Cu - - a,ée"a PORK CHOPS -Cb Iles b.291C__I o 4b.avg.II lb. 271C I