Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Nov 1938, p. 18

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Tho. W~ward zcbrjol gymna~uIu -will (,,n Pen- frr badmninto-.n A thl tic estsplavers con Tuesday and Friday BQysvenings f!TO1T. 7 vt,10, prrvidirig for S& MOIlS h periplé show -.-enou.gh interest 7The 611 athietic. tests <!te Py i n suppcirtiflg this !rm o! -rrecre- cal Éducation departrnen-t for b io.O Tedaysht h *ère held1 at the Howmardi> and St>îp players hâve been, few. hardly, schfooli lest week under -the direc-ctionatedn odra e- of Daniel M.' Daývi.s, physical directr pne fr h s f h y. publc sho~1. Ech by i r'u are roneo! WilrnetteS:bad-ý othe Sh t n t mintfon enthusiasts. or if y-ýou -ish, graes. Cth, ' tra iearn howtra play the game. given a test n in urtirng*. 1passing. cranudn«hs igt ndke drap, kickî.ng. this gai-ne oin the rorrrirr.The TIhe lxest profbf± oi.; Wilrnette Recreat:orin bo.ard' fur-- SIOLP ni-shes the, rackets ar.d bird. for Foo<bZil Drop Kick Clais A Recoýrd Cl"s Dt> ecord aVery smiall f ce. Ed Gros.'- 40,yds.1 F. Fiàier, 30 ydýs S, janoWfS 30 yds. B. Wr#t 29 yds,ï W. Meyers ý27yd.s. W. Wo'ng 22 yds----- clas Record E. Katz 22 yds. Bil.Tcppafl 29 ydii. Cles:s E Record A K TB L T.Lauer 28yds. R.:Hotzt 30Y)yds. A K T LI W. JacGbofl 27 yds.' M. Young 26 ydi. I clame C Record H. Browne 25yd.11 .ACUES B. Smith 30ý yd. Clasa F Reod -Don Morto n 22 yds. M. Swift 2Zlyds A, Tefler 21,yd-s.. t> Schwegerý 21 yds. "Dt" LEAGUE S.Th rý)1- ( 2 y--sEagle, 23- S.Taru 2tds g ft tp g ft tp Fo@tbail Pasi Hall,! 3 Il 9 Colvrnf 2 0 4 Cia.s A Record Ciaqs tD Record VHoft,f 1 0 2 Clarkef Q Q T. Dudley 40 ydq. B Woo,ýd 28 yd-s. Clrud,c' 4 9 P, Dudley-,.c 1 0 2 B. Schrmlck 33 yds. V. LâFave 2,3yd-s Langford,g 2 (j 4 '.M r e, g , o0o0 1. Carke 32 yds. R. Wi.sehart 24 yd-s ladley,g 0 O O Carning.i CP < IF. Ive% 32 yds. Clasq E Record Referee-J. Spered'-cs. Ed. GrrAs 32 ydiç. C. HoIg 25 yds., s'(orer-W.AdrS.- claie B Record C, Henrichs 23 yd-9. IF. Lauer 35 yds, D. Lutter 23 ydS oneg 6 A<,1 B. Geppeit 30 yds. Class F Record Hones,36W lfg.ft t T. Colvin 30Oyd. M. Swift 23 yd ' s hicf~ O6Hoffmanjfi.f ri r) D,.1re 30 yds. P. Briggs 22 yds. Bl"ç eord D SchwAeger 21 yds .leii-, () 2 Langfrdf 7 0 14, B. *rft 4ydI ves,c 2 Ç) 4 McDer'ittc 9 0 1 P * .Slh 3 d.Davisg 0 1 1 iMathew-,S,g 2 O4 _. 1 _ Il tý W ,11 ' il ( Yw*ths and A duite ra F-d Th ad rf lsssa h(,e- Progr m Frd y Ieathercratý. woo wrk, ai-d air- HuryHururyalo by Pl ane classzes hâve draw-.n, a large and girls. group of earnest workers... For you are to have a Scavenger The children under 8 have been hunt tornorrow, (Fridayi. Be at the active with firiger painting, and Pa- -Cormunity Center at 4 p.rn. Bring Per craft. Each'day Co! the week a a shopping bag or a. market basket different. craft is riffered. rnaking ýfrorn home. When, you, see the list an interest prograrn. o! ,articles you_ have to, find you dut classe E are cmelc ilbe glad you 'brought a sizable Éig rug-,w.ea';iflng an.d the records o container., advance regstratin indicate that You -will be given. one hour to the Cener V1,11 be ra busy_ place. ind your articles. Yourterritory is ,h . wite. unlirnited.. You are to return at 5 Your Ch,rtnas zgift problem rnay '.r.wihthé articles yuhv be Sçilved bv expending a littie of.found.. prize Will, be awàrde.t youi- leisure t îrn e ai-id paying for the. winning couple. Meet, at, theý j ust the cost o! the materlal s used. Çomrnunity Center. We will belook- The. inrstructi on' i- free. The handi- ing for you tomorrow afternooin at craft schedule follows: 4 o'clock. Monday-4I.*hercraft 3:30-5: boyýs under 1.5, Papercraft an-d Basketwe,,_aviflg, 38- .5; girls under 12. . Corne on ail you aduit junk- hunt- Mo-.nday-Rug Weavîng - sewîng - knit- rs! Let's get -together tornorrow; Wedn.esday-Sev;ifg and knitting-bas- iFriday) for a 1wuntirg-r-fUtinpar- ketry,3:05 girls under 15-.-P-aper.- ty__ orne in your oldest cI-othes and craft, 45; under 8. L-athercraft, 7-10; walking shoes. We-wl pair you off aduits. Rug w~,~swngkitilIi ope.Yuadyu ate 7-W ;aduits. i ope.Yuadyu atii Thursdav-Leathrc-aft, 3:30-5ý boys un-I are to hunt for w,ýritten instructions. der15, Sý%-;ng-Kriittiflg--ug weaving. You are to start at the Cornrnunity 3:30-.5 girls under 15. Center at 8 p.m. and- return to the, Frida%--MScl-lejus handicraft. 3sc- esarin pnat91p.. thjt .5 urd(er 12. t rig p ita :1 .r-.-ih j s ri ________l__as many o! the specified things as 4 you can find. Your territory will be 8Table Tennis tIolds unîlrniteci. As the contest will close 4 - ç~ promptly at 9:15 p.m. anyone re- 0 or) Place at Center tîirnine after that time wll be dis- C la»S E. Wray j. Clirice clam B G. Canninlg ,r. Colvin T. pierson Clai C. p. m% H.* Blerion B. Smilth i F r'~ A 32Yds. V. LaFaVe Record (1arq E 36 yds. M. Young 30 ydx. T. ShanesY Record H. Browine, 28 yds. D. Lutter 29 yds. B. gwlnv 99 yds. Clas9 PF Record P-. Br1lgg% 10 yd.tD. Colvin 27 yd«;» B. Chironie 25 yds .Swift 28 y ds,ý I fg ft tp fg IL tp11alfn 2r) :Wltr fi f6i 12 DrebtAS,! 5 2 12 lles in the- basemnent are in Use- er for an evening of realin Rpcorr. acîl-f 1 2 Qsboirne,f 2 o 4 constantly. Large groups of people. __________ 24-ydg. i lenson,g 6 2, 14 MeDer'tt,ç- 3 0 6 ;both- young -and old, are getting a 24yd.ayt,g 1 () 2 Brady,g -O (O()O great deal f! enjoyment and mc ai lbLann 24 yds. lienrics. O2-2 tews . 9 1 2 ' ful.exercise fo hssot 24 yds. Gocke.el eatf.fo ti pr. Short Wave Technique Reco rd R~e~-.Seee.The table tennis. tournarnent is. just 23 yds. rrW neSn tarting. You st-à have tirne to en- The Radio. club," for boys under 22 yds. t-lAnoe over 16 yer iod -11yas i age,, meets very Thurs- 22 yds. 'H rnfl A" ,LIEAGUE - eligible. -1f you do .riot have a paddle day afternoon ati -the Center- from firnpü I Ce we can furnish you one. Bails are 3 to 5 o'clock., It is - planned 'to _ej^ anrY4 -ig Rner 7available for those witho wish them ýspend a large share of the time 22 ,d dern "*« 4 Rdg unr 1 at a Sm-ali cost. Corne and join the studying short- wýave technique 22 y ds. Cleaners - .14 Swishers........ fun! Yo~u will improve your game, which is one'o! the Most interestixig 5. 13. Basslér 9. D. Hofftrn . J. adke 4j. Cooke I. E.Rudoifi- s.G. SWltt W. And'sof 27ys The yuia i ll 7 yds. ttnd the Cornm~unity Center wil at- the Howard shool. They have books on elementary- plotograpliy, Record have a meeting Monday, t4ovemberlinvited, their parents to joi them nature study, and a, stamp catalog. 30 yds. 21. At' this time they wîll forîn a OnDcember 1 fora vnigo hose who are i.nteresewilpae 27 yds. s ocial dancing club. They will eledt- fun. They will play their favorite get in touch With the irlstructors 27 ydqc their officers who - wiIl have charge gameés, sing songs and have a, gam at the Center. The Stamp -club, Record of ail the danceS that the Commnu- of kickball. R efréshments wifl be, meets every., Thursday afternoofl. 25 yds. inity Center' offers for the evening servel. Time, 8 p.m.; place, How- ýand the Camiera club ýon ThursdaY 22 ydS' p fy. ugpol.ard sehool.eenns 21 yds. 1grousoyonpop.eeigs 85 33 i~ 31

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