ka. Mar. 4, il, and 18, Apil 1 , 15 andt * Mr. French has designed. the 29. course so that it gives a compre- To Be Noted hensive survey of the history. of mu- Because the next meeting. of the. Sic which will be illustrated by rec- orchestra group falis on F.riday, *ords from his farnous collection., Nov. 25, during the. Thanksgivirig The Prograrm holiday, the hour has been changed The first. concert of this series, fromn 3:30 to 10 Wclock in:,the morni- wascomrîed f flksons. heing. It is essential that ail who are second. which wiIl be held Nov.,>26. to be in the group be there., Here- xiii be devoted to e arly suites. The' after, unless, there. is further, notice. third Wili be chamnber, rusic and 1 h group wiii meet at 3:30 on Dec. sonatas. featuring trios. quartets. 0, Jn n 0 o h et * etc.: the fourth will give the devreloP'the semester. ment of the symphony.: the fifth. The ..Giee club wiii meet Friday1 tha t of the concro afternoons at 3:30 on Dec. 2. and 16. Th dnc ad aletwii e ub: J an. 13 and 27 for, the rest of the jects of the sixth, program music sho er that of the seventh. The eighth con- ýTROOF 4 cert will be: a review program and The girls of troop 4, under« Miss musical memory test which is es- Nora Palmer. are to spendan over- pecially valuable to those wvorking night at the Girl Scout cabin,.Nov. for the music badge. 18. Cm i et The ninth concert will consist<of The mme Meteirlscu and requiem. The lth will bc e- c il -Nv.1ampt9:30. eme Tes voted to solo instruments such as dThe Givl Scut c:30.poga the strings, piano, harp, etc.. Opera >c Themirlee ouember met Thuray will be the subject'of the llth: m'usic mrig o.1.a 0ocok drama that of the l2th; cornic operamrngNv 7at10ocok that of the Ilth. And the 14,h BHI.-ETR * xili consider vocal music other than A Bordat Pa'I ECTURl E th the folk song and opera, such as, ol tPac ilb h chanties. art songs, and ballads. 1 subject of the discourse to be givený Each program has been planned jby Monroe Ioas of Chicago in the su that one thirdi of the time for i Foundation hall of the Baha'i Uni- il each concert will Ibe devoted to an I versai i-ouse of Worship Sunday * explanation of the next program. afternoon November 20, at 3:30 24k-lb-. bag CONME AAIN, 3-1b. bas eli4 7 Pilluuyp lou : 41Wl.5 OCEAN rSPRAY CruanberrYSO uce2l7ocom2li suN-MAIO SEEOLSS Raisins . 215-oz. pkeOLI7C NEW 514GLAND CONDENSEO Mince Met - 9-ex. Pkg. 9c Blue Ribbon Figs 8-o:. pkg. 9C CUBE[) CiTRON AND OTHFR AMBROSIA BAKING Chocolaite 8-o:. cake 100 HEINZ Ketchup . 2 14..z.b@tfles 33. VIRGINIA COOKIES Salerho - 2 12-oz. pkgs. 25c DE LUXE 10% FILLEO Mixed CandV e b1. 15C clal Came ug Ob.8 LAR..LIMND .q0 5PR Ylolýxt,cit ýo-b.2 NAONAL~2 Giciu nd sps onS gs. plcg. b 1 means OL d01 IFounidation hall at 11 v cioc bn French has most thoughtfully pro- jdymonig cured, books which the girls .m a y dymri use for, their rnaterial. Those work- in-g for the music badge must~ at * ATTENDS GAME tend at .least ten of the concerts. Miss Phyllis Carleton, daughter of TBea. Waitiflg List Ithe Rev. and Mrs. Hubert Carie-, *The re are many who wantto bene- ton, 1103 Forest avenue, accompa- fit by this unique opportunity this nied by several of her Kappa Kap- mrusic appreciatiQn course gives. pa Gamma sorority, sisters and for- fbowever, since there is limited ,mer classmates, spent last \week-i space, it. has been agreed that theiend .at.Greencastie, Ind., attending - - -- U_- _ý - . .. 41P. iz7 ýWabash football game. fraph toiltAl yew Cake AM TEA TIME *e - . achI1Sc) )WRIATII CED wHITE BREAD iSt big 20.oz.loafSc, llbs. 119~3 WIL METTE AVE. opposite Village Hall I PH4 Wllme*te and, 1WiImffe 281I