ter, is now flearrng comPletin. The major improvemnents include the installation of' the latestý type pneumatic tube system of carrying change between the cashier's. offiee* and the' various departments, re- pla cern ent of the old. woodi floor on. the -fIrst floor with a light tan mottled tule floor, rearrangemenitof the main section of the, first floor to. provide a wide center aisie and more spacious- ness tlu-oughout the entire section, installation of modern type'lighting fixtures in this section, enlargement and :rearrangement, of .the second floor women's wea.r departments, and o! the.toy section on the third floor. Old Baskets Discarded Wieboldt customers will no. longer. hear the clatter of the 'basket type store. In its place is a noiseless pneumnatic tube systern for 'carrying 1m oney back and forth. - The, old sys- tem passed out of the picture after a 22-year tenure. It was flrst used in 1916 whefl the building .housing the present Wieboldt store was erected. Upon entering the store at the flrst floor main door the Wieboldt patron imiiýr-q bit the inereased at- - Ail road lead to Wieboldt's toy department-at least for Evarêton yjoungsters. tion of the third floor' is being ,sed for the dispi~alijof Christmas toys. The section~, Fair," was opened last Fridaij. Mercha?4dise of special inte'reat to youngsters aibso .the third 1100? center sectioni (sotth). _____ bouse dresses and uniforms depart- ments were moved into the second floor west section. Ail 1F'hdures Are New The entire .West sec- uhich is called «Toy i bei.ng cUsplavedfin Sernie Phto Ta ke ShorePlavers to Present Frimi Operetta, "dTh e Firefly". - confee shop ait ocKo-muLu ý. ngrooms, and a sevice ae David Faircildi, wil Utas use uy l'rell±±y, >..-.l-.--- Theuirtfoo C m erainse on 'has been provided. A taupe color Mrs. James S. Harvey in thethird row, gaturday, Tuesday and Wednes- Te ands lay cais.e no run scherne is used on the supportiflg of her series of benefit book reviews day nights at the Orrngton school teand etisteadcas!nor n st. pillars to harxnoniz-e with--the Amer- for Lake Blluff orphanage1 Friday auditorium as the initial offering of The aisles which they fac~e lead toicnwntfxte.monnat130i the Great hall the Lake Shore Opera players' sixth the large center aisie, and thus every1 On the east side of the main ready- of the First Methodist church.Far season. department in this part of the store to-wear section for women is a small- The book is a story of Mr. Te rdutonir-e b cs is represented on the main aisle. The er section devoted to sports wear. child's experiences and adventure i~nd hporuio6ndr te d reacat varou cunersecios av ben The corset department bas been more than eighteen years of travel odfhoarusTo 65 uwill be admet-o shrotened. scton hv be moved from the second floor west throughout the world in search for ized ad vlywllb amden As the customer enters the main section to the center section adjoin- new fruits and veLyetalels to whet gierin oew or iina morefly," -- ~a quarter of a century ago. e possie Ir Section the wear and 1i 'ideà. of AL-41611vi