*A true Wieboldt Day brgainm Lovely femiflife gowns witb dairity lace trim. Tearose, blue and dusty pink. Sizes 15, 16, anid 17. Regular 79c and $1, SHIRTS and POLOS 69c Tae ur tip and stock Up on dss and sport shirts I Percales and broaCloths with new stand-Up collat. Polos in every popular style. 79C and $1 .00 PAJAMAS If youre lookîflg for more than your rnoney's worth - here it is! Two.piece, full eut pajamaS Qf excellent. quality. pipedi edges. coat or im.cldy 7 ç styles, 8-18....«............. 7 c (7 A1 ii Rayon Dovesuede Robes Whtgrand buys I Lovely ta look at, gjranand -warm on co1d'niorningS pr.p around or zipper styles in . wine royl. r Frnc2.14e Sizes 14 ta 20.ý........... Flannelette in lovely aloiver floral prints and pastels combined witb floral prmnts. Gowfls in stiraiglit 'eut or princess fitted styles. 2-pieCe>pa- jamnas in coat and tuck-lfl styles. A1Il cut f ull and perfect fitting I BB00c White and 'paitel'shades..... C Si k and Rayon .satinUndies $1,64 Ferniflifle gowns in sizes . 15, 10 an-d 17. 2-pece pajamnas in1 flatterhig l .ace trimmed styles. Bed jackets that are real $1.95 values-that's what you'IllIid in this special sale. group of undies. 68Bc Fa-osVerna union su'tt speciallY priced for Wie- boldt Days! Double rayoný st1ipe cottOn suits, knee length, with built uP shoul ders, open crotch. Women's sizes 36 to 46. Extra sizes, 78e Fou ndationS. $379 Side closing styles in 2 lengths for av- erage and tali fig- ures. Complete size range frorn 34 ta 44. $2.., NOVEBER17,. 1938 Important