SCOT TOULET TISSUE 1,00-sheet rolis. Reg. 3 ro0 1l's 2c.Saleprice 8 *W*ldrf ToIIet isoua By makers of' Scot. 5c roll-1O rolis 38c ScotTmwel Sé.ITowes 150 towels to iéol. Reg. 12c a. roli. .. Holder. 19c ris49c for 49c 48 ~17 q Flrsi' Quolif y Triple Cocted PORCELAIN ENAMELWAR-E 'Values $1.79 ta $239 ld White wlth red trimn. Excellent quallty, enamel- ware for long wear and exceptionally attractive. 1 /34* Rco olier S-Csp Porc.lofor 319f*. Teakeffti0*6-9*. Cov.r.d Sauce Peu 9.9f. Disb Pou 3.1pc. Saue POu Se# Wheeling 20 Gai. Size @93c Reg. $1.39... 25 Gal. Size $ 2 Reg. $1.69. ýj . Srart oven to table cas- smrle Heat-proof Pyrex makes baklng easy. Non- tarnish chromium frame in pierced design. $1.59 values. 89C ~With center brace and esel back. Non-rust pins, spaced 1 in. apart, Paeked in carton. Reg. $1.98. (Ilustrated) ............. Curlain Streicher With easel and èenter brace.,,Nori- rust pins 1 in. apart. Stretches to 54x9 in ....................... lMade to ssii at $1.98. Choice of colors in leatherette up- holstered seatg. ........ 15C WILMETTE LIFE I Pyrex> Casseroles $1.69 89C * Uprtght quanty cavers. hapdles OMM