N. U. Faculty Momber Wlit Gve Peace Tatk at Open Mettngý at Temple. on Monday "'Buy Wýiays of, Peace" is the provocative title Clark G. Kueb- let of Northwestern -University has given the talk he will make. before the NorthShore Congre- gation'Israel Sisterhood on Mon-. day,1 November 21~, at 2 ocloek at the temfple., Great thought is always given to the peace pro- gram, which marks. the 'Novem- ber meeting ,of the Sisterhood,, and this year Mr. Kuebler' comes, as the timely speaker. "Mr. Kuebler," the Sisterhood ýan- nounces, "is a remarkable intiel- lect, who has achieved a reputation 'not only ini his chosen field of clas- slcs, but also in the' sphere of eco- ttorii. !He stuied. in Germny -and bas returned there every summer, s0 that lie is able to observe the growth and development of' Fasc- ism in a manner that few people have the opportunity to do. "A profound understanding of liu- man motivations provides Mr. Kueb- 'ikr with a liberal point of view. He has always been an ardent paci- fist and believes. that profes- sors (such as himself) should live November 28, at 2 o'clôck ai the home, of Mrs. Robert C. Marley, 2 204 Thornwood avenue, instead of at the home of -Mrs. Leonard Van' Deursen as formerly announ ced. Mrs. Carl Johnseh will rev!ew ".Al This, and Heaven, Too" by Rachel Field. Pictures of a transcontinental- flight were shownf, and' the story of commerýcial, aviation .told the, Northridge .- Woman' s club: when a, meeting was beld Monday evening at the home of Mrs. William Merkle, . 2031 Kenfilworth aven ue, Wilmette. Miss Ruth Gates, the 'speaker, who hias been an',airlines steward-, ess for seven y ears, »conc1üded ber talk with a discussion of'the ma ny qpportunities, open to womnen in avi- ation. preceding this part of the pro- eope Summrne'rs, actress and dramatic reacler, and identifed with instruction in andi coaching of dramatics, will give the pro- grain, a reading of "Our Town," PulitZer prize play of Thornton Wilder, when the W o m'an's Catholic Club of Wilmette has a Guest day meeting Friday, No- vem ber 25, at '2 in the al ternoon. Jackc Hazelhurst' Photo Maas, gave social hour Milîs and serving as two vioLL In ULI e O.m followed, 'Mrs. John A. Mrs. Stanley Johnson co-hostesses. T ea for Soutiierner Mrs. Herbert Durr, 175 Shi road., Kenilworth, has Issuec Experienced Dramate Artist WiII Present "Our Town," Pulitzer Prize Winner, on Guest Day When the 'Woman's Catholic Club of. Wilmette hais a Guest day. programn the F'ridiay after Thanks- giving at 2 in. the afternolon, it w'ill present as the, artist for the occasion,. Hope, Summners, a for-> mer residenit of Wilmette now re- siding. in Evans.ton... Miss Surn- mers (Mrs. James Witherell) has w On' prominence ail along the Nort*h Shore for her work in dra- mat ics. An actress who has -been inter- ested particularly in the, littie the- atre movemnent, she has done quite, a bit of instruction ini and directing of dramatics. She has been a mem- ber of the faculty of the North- western uiiiversity sehool Ôofsi)eech', and has been interested in the the- ater work shop movement. 'Miss Summers, who has directed some of the plays of the Winnetka D rama club, is active in its extension mnove- ment. She is considered* an experi- enced artist of skiil. Miss Summers has spent much time in New York seeing new plays and getting "behind the scene in- formation," an experience which adds to the- background from which tation as a scnmxn etri throughout the North. Shore, Chii- cgago,. and the Middle West. Lis- tening to him, one gets a fresh approacli to an age-old problem, and appreciates that approacli be- cause it is rooted in sincerilýy." The Sisterhood has invited a.num- ber of neighbaring religious and civ- ic organizations to this open meet- ing. It extends a cordial invitationl to al' in, the' commuraity, who' are Hosfess Mrs. C. A. R. Price of 1240 Isa- belle street entertained ten friends recently at a buffet supper i honor of 14r. and Mrs. Robert D. Harper ut Chicago. well known W Nortn bnor reslav i andi members of The Neiglibors of Kenilworth that it is with thrilling. anticipation we look 'forward to wel- coming her back for a regular Neighbors' meeting. Tuesday, No- vember 29, at 2:30 o'clock," the club, announces. "No schedule for the past sev- eral years has. been 'judged corn- lane, mafn. Mrs. J. C. Winnetka.. malloy. [ber G*. Talbot, 'Mvrs. Hn :ert, and Mrp.- Frederick C hoirmon Gr oup Surveys Policy of Neutrality for U. S. 'At the first neeting of the study group under the department of gov-, ernment and foreign oolicy of the ry is 'co-cflair- o'Clock, for iuncneon and wrr.a the home of Mrs. B. H. Larrabee, 'Koehne Photo. 604 Skokie lane, south, Gleiicoe. WILMETT,,LIF