'This fascinating subject :of Swe- dish modern art'. is. to be thoroughly and, interestingly presentedý by, none other. than' the well-known Tage Palmn, who, was re centiy knighted in his, own couritry of, Sweden by t he bestowal of the. Knrighthood of. thé Royal Order .of Vasa, as an officiai recognition of his splendid accomp-: Iïsh ment&à in this ,country on: behaîf of the interests of. Sweden. .Educat- ed a the, Universities of' Stockholm and . Upsala, Mr. Palm e arly be- cam cosly lledwith the activi- ties. of the Swedish Association 'of Arts and Crafts, the, central organi- zation for promotion of higher stan- dards in hoursing and home furnish- ings. He is a recognized authority on Swedish archi.tecture, furniture, iur m senoarsip lunctwicn the Evanston Frierids of Chicago Junior school maintains for boys at the Chicago Junior school in Elgin. > Desserf-Bridge, HeId a+ EpscopaI Parsh House A dessert-bridge was held by the junior guild of St.. Augustine's Epis-ý copal church in the parish house on Truesday afternoon., Members of the cocmmi ttee In charge included Mrs. Hamilton H-. Anderson, Mrs. William Gilliam,,Mrs. Jack,,Clark,,Mrs: Don- ald Dick, and Miss Mary Stoddard. in Florda for Winter 'l "- tirs. Wendelin P. Seng, 401 Lake enue, and her four daughters, November Reduction on Coafs and. YoulII like ifs 10'olcs 'yougIl like ifs feelý ob Àd'ï&KShad-O-Bar Ifs Luxife's grand new rayon fabric - sof and sleek witli a stunning satin stripe. It's. Can,' smear. Actually lasfs ail dlay it cornes isix Iovely shades - one exactly yours you'Il want ta try it. EDGAR-A. STEVENS.Inc. and it doesnt need roning. You'II hike it in gowns, in bed jackets, in pajamas, in slps and in panties-because it taiIors s o beatutifuIIy, because it feels kso good next to your skin, be- cause it wears so weII and al- ways looks grand. sure EvanionEDGAR A.,Iç ~ aso EvonsfoW ln.c* ý