Show AuxiIia*y Is Marked Success "Taking something from the style of our mothers and some- thing from the style of our grand- mothers,: yet makinig fashions ta- day aur own,", was, in the wrds of the narrator,, the underlying, theme of the fashionshow charm-. ingly illustrated by. the tableau ýof dresses of earlier days which cli- maxed the display of. new, styles, presented by the Junior auxiliary of the Woman' Club of Wilmnette làst Saturday afternoon.. In that tableau forming another large miléstone -in the successionl of years of successful charity bridge teas and fas"Iiofl shows, were Mar- ion Clark in her great grandmoth- er' s wedding 'dress -and Veil; Mrs. Vernon Replogle, president of the juniors, resernbling a delicate Dres- den figure in a mulberry silk dress of about 1875; Marilyn Miller in a. child's dress of thie era of about 1840; Mrs. A. W. Bartholomew in a quaint frock of about the same *nineteenth century period. Mrs. Sid- ney Huguenin loaned both the dress i orn Mrs. Replogle and by Mrs. nl.on the stage fÉorn whncn it" began, a stage effectively decorated in white,-white pedestals with huge bowls of snow-white chrysanthemums dotted occasionally with autumu leaves. Bridge tables filled the large aud- itoriumn of the club to capacity. Miss Ann Henderson, herseNf dressed lu style-show models, was at the "mike," announeing each Infant Welfare The November meeting of the Wilmette center of the. Infant Welfare Society nof. Chicago wil be held on Monday, November 21, in the Woman's club at 2 o' dlock. The> enirlO¶st'iu- ofthe w Mali*ck-wodt JM-k.h acMol wi spon~sor a Harvest hop front 8:30to 12 Wclock Saturdail evenlflg, November 26, in the. Masonic hall, 1010 Central avenue, Wilmette. Eddie Riee's, orchestra IIl playi for the dancing, and card tables will be set up for those uho do not care to "trip the light fantastic." Mallinckrodt seniors who are in charge of the arrangemnts~ for the partyI include: Left to right, seated-Elainfe Leis, card part y chaii7mafl; Madelyn Hutmacher, genercil chairntan; Patricia McGovern, ticket chairman; Dorothl/ Schmidt, Niles Center publicity chairman. Standing left ta ight-Lorrai%e Webber, Ruth Wogener, and Florence Walsh, pub- licity chairmelz for Morton Grove, Wilmette atnd Evanston, respectivelll; Dolores HiUlinger, card pcrtlj, and Virginia Saunders, tickets. at Spoke Progrfim Iea On Tuesday, November 15, Spoke Three of the Wilmette Presbyterian church gave a programn tea for the benefito! the church building fund. The -tea was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Brandt of 816 Forest avenue. Mrs. Edward Quale, a prorninent. Evanston writer, gave a m.t i'retîniz tak on "The Mod- A study. group on foreign policy conducted for the Wil«iette Léague of Women Voters will meet three Monday rnornings, November 21, 28, the social chairmnan, Mrs., Roy Best. a gain will present an entertainin g program. This month' she will in- troduce to the« members and guests of Infant Welfare, Mrs. Celeste Amn- stutz, wif.e of Dr. Hobart Amstutz,ý wrho is in charge of three divinity schools in Sinigapore and Borneo. Dr. and Mrs., Arstutz bave. traveled ektensively, and on their travels have. had rnany interestiflg experienceS. Eler talk to Infant Welfare will be an intimate one on the humorous in- .cdXeit.s that she has encountered in h:er journeys, around the worid. 'She has been giving many lectures while here in the Unitedi States anld las been well received. Shortly after the first of the year she and her husbandý are returning to the. Orient, after placing their two children in seh ool in Switzerland. Alter the talk. by Mrs. Anisutz, tea will be served, the hostesses of' the day being Mrs. Jacques Willis, chairman; Mrs. M. Ilalvorsen, Mrs. John Nuzum, Mrs. W. W. Harris, Mrs. C. H. MéDougall, Mrs. Arthur Mahie, Mms F. E. Parry and Mrs. bane Watson. Announcement has corne Lrorn headquarters that the annual meet- ing of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago will be on February 1. Fur- ther information will be giveri later. the honw L-of Mrs. John Clark. Baker, SaeRgn oB 347 Maple avenue. tt e n oB Specific subjects of study will be Ge st of D. A. R. "U7haft HaDiened in Munich?" and geès and hostess gowns-all these about four nuULjUea 1in passed iti parade, wlth 'new high lte conclusion of an ailei coiffures and flowers in the hair added munit to thte Chai other fasition notes. the juniors and ta the Mannequins included- Mrs. Qulu- those atlending it. -J., T. ceseiby: Laves. charge of tite raising of funcis andl thte erec'tion of lte monument to Abraham Lincolnt at te place wkiere. he first enlered Illinoisfrom Indiana. WILMETTE LIFÉ