and Park avenues. They were taken between Il and E 12 o'clock on election day and will StI recail to mnany 'citizens this flagrant at affront to the fair name of our vil- the lage. Against it no voice of any ,to -village, officiai, was articulate, though diligence was shown to raise it as the foliowing account will show. When I saw the O'Brien poster on the Wilmette. Publir, library grounds, I took a photograph, then sought the librarian. The poster was nailed to the big tree at the corner of Wilmette and Park avenue5, fac- îng Wilmette avenue, and could not the police dep-artmeflt anid was Theplinf a ien told that the police had orders duty o our off disregard the posters!1 of Wilrfette to was relia-biy informed that these offense against orders c ame frorn the Vil lage pres-i Why didn't they when formai comi- ident. plaint was made? Another Eiward poster was at Fif- Suggests Explanation teenth street and Lakce avenue, near I arn reliably informed that the Vattmann park on a tree in the Village president said, when they street. As 1 was tearing the sign were brought to bis attention and down, a well dressed man stepped' he was asked what to do, that there from a car and said, "Here, what was no precedent for taking them is going on here?" 1 toid hlm that down. Was there a precedent for he weii knew political posters hadputting them up? He might ask me no place on publie property in Wxil- where I found a prededent for tear- ýssure. Museumr of Nat ural History Satur- tha t it is the day morning, Novernber 19. A ()f the village ooe muiacrtnbyWl nujisanice and ooe muiacatnby Wl )lie propriety. Disney, "Pied Piper of Hamlin," will be feaitured. Other films to be shown a re "Freaks of the Deepi," "Wood- land Pals,",'"Màke, a Mask," and 'Beautifui Tyl. There wili be ~ two showings, one beginning. at 10 a.m. and one .at 11, in the James k Simpson theater of the-Museum. No tickets aeneded,. and children from all parts of Chicago and sub- urbs are inviled. ýThey may ýcorne alone, accompaniedl by aduits, or in groups ,from 'schools.,and' othr centers. GUIDE" LECTURE TOURS "'.Marine Life" 4 3 p.m., Monday,- Nov emn.ber 21, is the subject, of the. first of 'next week's guide-lecture. tours fQor the general public at Field Museum of N a t u r a i History. On other days at the same hour sub- jects, will be: Tuiesday, "The Ec±ol- ogy of Plants and A n i m'a 1s Wednesday, "Crystals a n d Their Uses".; Thursday, holiday, no tour,. and Friday, "The Akeiey Memori- ai1 Hall." These tours, conducted *by staff lecturers, are open to al museurn visitorS. Parties assemble inside the north entrance. Although there will be no tour on Thursday on account of the Thanksgiving holi-, day, the museum will be open to visitors during the usuai hours from 9 a.m.to4 D.m to the WILMETTE LinF editorial rooms. In f r o n t WILMETTE LIFE build- ing, Wilmette 'police officer "'No. 5" was giving a ticket for wrong park- ing. Complaint was madle against political posters on p ubli 'c' property, 80 he took me in the squad. car to see the posters. Then he, said ýhe Capitol building, Springfield, 1l1. The io ria' LuIi'. LUyne car also bore a Lewis~ sticker. Evasto police tore' them dowfl. ter B. Lister, will be presented in Here was a pàyroller spending We might also inquire if our neigh- the Loyola Comrnunity theatre, 1320 your tax money going about defac- bor villages te, the north had this Loyola avenue, Chicago, December 5 ing our public places - even our problem to, meet and what they did. and 6. This is one of a series of schools. Doubtless the trustees as individ- drama, lecture and music programns Em Io' Chicago Methods uals,ý are cognizant of the, situation off ered this season by the commÜni- Why think you, did they choose j and the board Will enact, necessary ty theatre. r~~émo I o.oveument Cmvic Association of lfineis, P ptovde [ter be pet- lac§.Pros The tip of campaign lite2tature that the North Shore does not ;toi- erate. DemocTatfc torke'rs TeftLsecIto use it, much to their credit. A 'stiictly non-partisain (?)sampLe ballot isàied by a "good govçrfl-, ment" organization.. It tas cirç.ulated the eve#ing before electon.