as far as publicity goes, Just as valuable to the success.of a team as the first-stringers, though, the junior vars ity serves as. enemy teams in practicing against special-. ized formations. One week they may be 4.Evanston," the: next 1"Oak Park," and so-on. They 'providereg- ular scrimmiage for those: same reg- ulars, also.: and they stand by, al- ways. ready, yea- eager tIo step. into the shoes of the select group. should, an injury'forceone of the stars out of action, or. should his playing slip a cog. Were Undefeated The junior varsity this year played games with Morton, 'Waukegan and North Shore Country Day schools. They were undefeated. Earlier in the sea son they toppled Morton 28-0 and tiecd North~ Shore, 0-0. The flrst of two WÙ?kegan games 'resulted in a 6 to 6 dead-lock, but last Sa'turday mornung the locals came back strongly to beat the same outfit, 19 to 0. Kim Brown- counted one of the Trier touchdowns, while George Simons made the other two. Brown threw a pass for one of the Simon tallies. New Trier Junior Varsity classes will be chosen for each teamn, it was explained. Th e final gamnes will be played on Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Faculty members were invited tû attend the tryouts and the gamnes. Bits of purple and white or blue and oranýge 'ribbon are now. being wornM by mnembers of the two teams- as idehtification' badges. Every girl and womnan. faculty.'memberhas a team ribbon to wear. The two teams havé been busy this1 week fInding cheer leaders. and mnaking.plans'for the *cheering section stunts for'the games next week. "!There has 2been an enthusiastic response to the team actlvity, and it is hoped that there will be a good turnout hext Mon- day," it was added. Miss Margaret Healy of the facul- fy of the physéat c {in epart- ment is in charge. wnîch is coacned by Robert Ream. This am e will sta rt a t 7: 30. Cly d eCrater, who does' the vàrsity coaching, has naàmed a line- up,, s u b je c t to, change, which he. pl1anis to senid aainst the alum- Lebje Photo ni. Captain Earl J.:Thomnpson. Borre,. Bob Bap- tista,' Jack Long,. Oscar Jorgenson, and BIII Porter, comprise this quin- tet. Likely to be on the floor at one time, or another for the alumni are: Bob Clark, Jack and Jim Fitzgerald, Cht.iai, Tr iloHank Thor-, s en, and, of course,' the previously rnentioned John Thonipsorn. The White Plains affair will be the, season finale for the Triermen, they having completed their Suburban league schedule with a rousing 6 toé 0O defeat of Evanston at Dyche stadium last Saturday beforea good-' lyr gatheéring. Those who saw the Evanston battle came away .singirlg loudly .the praises of "Bubby" Miller, Trevian fullback,,who in addition to scoring the only touchdown, thrilled the, crowd with spectacular line-plung- ing., It was Bub by's best 'exhibition to date, and, puts a cheery light into next. year's prospects, since the ld' is only a jiunior. Smeared Plays Rob Scheibel was effective. in smearing the Wildkits' plays, from end spot, while Dick Durr's pass- catchinmg aided immeasureably. Dick is the other regular end. Actually', New Trier w as moire of a superior team than the score in- dicates. They out-gained their op- ponents throughout the fracas, being, as usual, more impressive in the second hait. Two Evanston threats were repulsed by the linemen, and then Tom Carney booted the bafl far-and-away down the sidelines, out of danger. Tom's first such punt *traveled a matter of 70 yards before landing, while the second was nine -Jy.. .. ............. ... nons .. ............... mn................... . i went to center, Bayaro 1, and Met Kahn to left gi r start of the gamne. ard After repairs 'Jim returned to the scene, but his shoulder bothered hirm considerably. Later examinations disclosed a paralyzed muscle. FJé will make the trip with the gang to New York, but will be unable to, play. Players going to New York are: ends: Rob Scheibel, Art Boyntoi,, Dick Durr, Dick Andrews, Bi» Brown, King Dowse; tackles: Bob Landon, Bob Gockel, Jack Miskell, Gives Trevian 1 years Daçk.t Fuflback Kennedy, substitu ting for Miss Esther1 Jack Boettlger plajyed well against1 home in Wilmette Evanston, and earnn1ed the praise of ness trip to SpÉ, - £Uiftnarws iamiAA .V, i £ etur.4nome 1 cai coVUALge L left her and Mrs. Von Pflugk will go with again holdù for a busi- them, remaining ini New York for nw studyir Mass. the winter.. * anio and ec a scholarshîp. organ as well position. Evais t( Pontes, Lauds street, Musi- he is He is as pi-: