andcilxu e climaxed oy a proces- sion of students bringing giftS of food that wiil later be taken to Mary Crane Nursery sehool 'for distribu- tion to families liviing. in the neigh-, borhood of HuII House. Scenes 'of Pageantry Tiiere will beý several, scenes of pageantry enacted. by the students that will depict the gathering of the harvest by a group.0f peasants and. their thankfulness expressed in wor- ship at a countrychurch. The college choir under 'the direc-m tion of Mi ss Louise St. John Wester- velt will play a prominent part in the festival, singing Cesar Franck's "One Hundred and Fiftieth Psalm." Miss ýEtta Mount, .drama and dance director ai the National Col- lege of Education, is ini charge of plans for the pageant. She is beihg assisted by the following students who have parts b çplay or are serv- ing on committees: Katharine Gran, 1216 Cleveland street, Evanston; Connie Barry, 535 Hinm-an avenue, Evanston;- Ruth Loken, 1303 Rosalie avenue, Evanston; Sue McKay, 1514 Davis street, Evanston; and ,Jose- phine Reeves, 1807 Asbury avenue, Evanston. Betty Sullivan, 815 Forest avenue, Wlmette; Audry Caihoun, 740 Green- Wood-avenue. Giencoe; Jane Allison, Marjorle Lawrence Recital committee of the Winnetka Music club. Pinza burst upon the New York music world in the season of 1926. ing, pottery, and crafts, fromn for- elgn countri1 es are. included, and amnong ýthe artists represented. at the, present are John Stenvail, To- dos Geller, John Winters, Confie Moran, Torres, and Eugene Deutsch. Ezlo Piza when she sang Bruennhilde ini "Die Walkuere." She was imnmediately hailed as one of the season's rnost valuable additions to the coxnpafly. The gallery 15. unique .in that'it will offer the laymn an opportunity to hear. lectures by exéhibiting art- ists, thus enabling pupils to, work. while the. viewpointý of the artist is being explainied North- Shore artiste whose paint- ings will be shown at the openlng' exhibition, Sunday, are Frank Pey- raud, Norman MacL eïsh, and Clara MacGowan. Chicago artists includeJui Teckla, Frances Foy, Emil Armen, Frances Strain, Mr. Geiler, Aaron Bohrod, Ivan Albright, Plora Scho- field, Gus Dalstrom, George Josem- evich, William Schwartz, Jean, Crawford Adams, and David Bek- ker. There will be work by negro art- ists -- Margaret Taylor, Bernard Goss, Eldzier Cortor, Motley, Charles White, and George Davis. Eurpea reutaionbebind iiim, - 'Dirctor Gu st t Euopen reutàionof Sorrow novena will start Friday Dircto G estatthe amazing quality of his deep November 18, at 7:30 o'clock, at st. .Auxiliary's Dinner vthe first ight pera auinc he Norbert, the Serveite Fathers con- Mrs. Ruth Rogers, seventh disth isngtopr auec. ducting it. trict director of the American Le- WrCagsCre gion. auxiliary, was a. guest at the A Roman by birth, Pinza revealed Mr. and Mrs. Rudoif M. Oster- memrbership dinner the Wil mette his musical talents at an early age, n,24Wrik oa K il 0 uiir aeTedybut the ambition of his parents was mann,-24WrikraKnl Post 46 Axlaygv usa to make of him a civil engineer. worth, who are spending a week ini night at the Masordc temple. To this end, he was put to school NewýÀ York, will visit their daughter, .The dinner was in charge of the at Ravenna, but finally gaining his Ruth, who is a senior at Wellesley, membershlp chairman, Mrs; . E. H.ownpit e ett y lg~ n before mnaking the trip home. Seleets Popular Fali Books, for Next Review The North End circle of the Con- gregational church presents the lUfth in a series of six book reviews on Friday, Novemnber 18, at 10:15 o'clock ini the morning. Mrs. Henry G. Zander will give a sùrvey of the. most popular fali books with corn- ments and excerpts froin several. - ,_"n fiai A m he has sel- Snowcten Sc star, and Oak Park. tU 014 U. ry Jane r0W. LiCh she did, ee. years to opertcIicUp e. Mir. and ame.