- 0eLD a w. W« Wehas been celebrated ~etsice,1919. FranklIn ,K. éi diiflibraian ot.Ihe BOY s w Aaurica, was the origina- 9t *e àde to 9Aet auide a week 9 *e yeai, ni whicb emphasis oichildrens books and W»Ri aim was to create al j~~~in uludIdren s books. do& 7"r dnring Bookc Week g Md gtwres elèbrate witli spe-, obi* 4actlviUes. gp Sdm teck an active part mmbsg Book Week November Af Atre ghlb. eVenth and The Stolp.Cmntral-Laurel schoOlf have again unanimously agreed- to take up Arden Shore as their .edu-. cational wefare project for, another year. Their objects are to support and maintain coin!ortr, and1 pleas- ures for the leis-! ortunate children. living at Arden, shore camp. At Trhanksgrviflg they* intend ,to help supply ,tfi.eir. foodÔ-4foqr a Thanks- givint.ciiei; at Christmas, -their toys. clothes and, necessarY articles.. La#t year Miss Anma ZeUe Ferrier, director o! Arden Shore, gave StOlp school a fine talk 'and showed mnovies about the activities at Arden Shore giuringlhe wiZtei-. ~s pAL"dpated -n a -o---- Voek posicpte cneàton- Represetatives from each school St* postr ontes cn- .room were chosen to take a trip uP lS lbaa a nd tsc' super--to-,4rden shore, where they were .My outstanding posters seve0d e ee o*h e fl ren . The g eult for the juwdges to srd i neuofte hlde.the r eleetions for the varnous Arden Shore Glee club came to 1 si we. It was decided tihat stolp scliool later in the year and; dbose for second choice gave a fine program. It is a privi- "ive honorable mention. lege as weU -as~ a pleasure for tÉe Wimette schoQl children te, have ang narnes were chosen: such a worthy project to carry out. LM paoz-john Wiflnirtb When called upon please act wil- -ggmmuwemeU n-Beverly ngly and generously! L~ PIaoJeSl Yder-Joan Digre 8th Grade - ~ Wthi i-ageantry The entire Howard Junior assemn- bly participates in~ the traditioeial Thanksgiving pageant, 'The Plenti- fui Harvest." TIis festival isthe resuit of the activities ini several de- partmnents., The processional and re- cessional are learned In the physical education classes, the songa inà the music classes. The original poenu and prayers are written in the sixth grade.E.nglish classes and the read- ing of these poens- and prayers, is practiced in the speech claises.The art groups decorate the stage and the 'council assists in the training of stage managers and, ushers. Thne followîng poems and ýprayers, are il- lustrative of the sixth. grade cère- atîve Englishwork produced. for this Bond Direct«" Ariani L. Delander is the effici- ent director of the Wilmette pub- lie school band tohlch is an im- portant mediuêm for pupil self- expression as weUl as being a vatuable group activity. The band A POEM 0F THAKKS 1 hn:Thet, <5od, for T¶hainksgiving Day, 1 thank Thee for My clothes and! play; I thank Thee for My home ao fair And for My parente' loving care. 1 thank Thee for My friends so dedr, I thank Thee for their happy cheer; 1 thank Thee in the prayers 1 saV- I thaftk Thee for Thanloegiving Day. -blonne Himmel vrr ebe 1-1, oveber13-9,jor Expresion.Pif th Grade Pupils *o Week post- ebooksftromn The Wilmette school band offers St ud y Pioneer Lif e; ,on p tothethe mnuskcally !nclined stiident Mucb (m ~ to hin regard te playing with one an- aescri>e Early Days r qmgam fo other, together wlth thé valuable e boys and girls in Miss Har- i on Tue5d,3? tra ining of self discipline. PerhaPs dick's and Mrs. Turner's ftfth grades w* Week laythepriunr> function o! the bad have been studying about ploneer ýom books was is that it utilizes the enthusiasm o nti ato u onri Undred Fiat- thie wind Instrument player into 'ife tn ar !orCôut-'i mg-r- -.4Î. amo ie nsructive and uoeful comparison with life today. The fol- Be thank fui for the oft green graus For flowers so Ira gant when w c pa,, For, butterfiies oi tii their delicate toinga, We thank Thee, Lord, for <411 these thiQa -Jean Coleman- THE FIRST THANKSGIVING We look back into that November of -Bar mm le d together