Eye clinic, children and adults. Dr. R. H. Hienderson -in charge. 2OTHANNIVERSARY The' twentîeth anniversary . of the founding, of the Wilmette Health Cen- ter was observedon Friday, Novem- ber 18. Just exactly; 20 years ago on that same' date, at, 3 pani. the firstmeeting of the first board was held. Mrs. H1ope Thompson, !irst preslident -of-the. board, was honored gueÈt, at the' Heaith Center, with several other m rembers and, past presidents who came in -during the afternoon 'and evenffg. Many pictures, reports:and news- paper clippings over the past twenty years were exhibited on the walls of the Health Center and the first health poster to gain honorable men- tion, ma e by a éhild ini I9M, was hung i the Dental roomi. The poster was made by Alex McDaniels, and the sentiment expressed then is just as good,, from an educational point of view, today. We are grateful to Mrs. McDaniels for allowmng us to dlsplay the poster. Out-of-town visitors were: Miss M. Buckley, R. N., superintendent of nurses, the Tuberculosis Institute of Mrs. Lilian Jonies, 35, of. 20021 Emerson street, Evanston, driver1 of the third car, claimed that the Straude car stopped.in front of her so* suddenly that' she was unable to avoidlng hitting it Both were taken to t1he 'police station by Of- ficers üulen' Branscomne and John Kriesant, where each.signed a coin-j plaint againist' the other, for 'reck- less &diving. Mrs: Mary Kulasik, 21,' and Xatherine, Hendricks, 23, both of Chicago, riding with Straude, were, ,slightlyý injuped, and were taken to Evanston'.hospital.. Carroll Jones, 14, and Mrs. Josephine. Lawirence, both of Evanston, riding with.Mrs. Jones, were also slightly injured. They were taken to Community hospital, Evanston. Mrs. Jones re- taken home by her husband. HOME FOR HOLIDAY Donald Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen S. 'Roberts, 1135 Lake avenue, is coming home from the University of Illinois for Thanksgiv- ing. The Roberts will have a family reunion and diriner party at their home. entertaining the families of, PANCAKS 'aund SURIF~L Syk#UP FOWA AA WINTRY MORNING -YR. PANCAKE Z0-OZ. eeePKG. 7c, B ED CERCLE COPIERi...2 ILB. BAGS 31 *MIXED 'BUJDDED PECAN Nui NS WALNUTS ý-HALVES *19Cu 25c'v 29c LB LB. PKG. PACKErD IN SANITARY PAPER CONTAINERS PEERLESS MINCE MEAT )AR17 BLACKWELL. PUDDINGS LB,.35c ANN PAGE JELLIES GRAPE OR QUINCE 8-OZ.' lA. JAR S PlTEN àEËR G EATING APPLES 5 L3s. 25c Center; Miss E. Poole, R. N., direc- tor of social service, Evanston hos- pital, and Miss E. Idier; Miss C. Queen, R. N., and Miss M. Garretson, R. N., Winnetka Health department; S. Olmstead, relief director for New Trier township; Dr. Rosanna Me- Kenney, Winnetka; .Mrs. R.. E. Hut- chins, Highland Park; Mr. and Mrs.. A. K. ~ Getzr.nvnistonnMr. and. 12FOR: Zqe