neitj1. 7:45 p.m.-Missionar~y Service. Don Moffat from Brazil will bring some echoes fromi the work among the Indiaris of Brazil. The, bl-mointhly ,off er- lig for missions will be re- ceived. Wednesday, November 30, B RehearsaL. J. Morris Gustafson, director.l Thursdayr, December.i 2:ý0 P.m.-Womien's' Missionary Fellow- ship. Mrs.. Carl Klokke,: mis- sionary candidate, who with her husband Dr. Klokke willl sali1 for India shortly, wil speak. S.John' s Lutheran Wilmette andPark avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICiES 10 a.m....... Thanksgiviflg Day service 9:15 a. m. ........ First Sunday service 9:30 a.m ...... Sunday school and Bible 10:55 a.m ....... Sunday school class for children of threeto five years il a.m.......... Second Sunday service The order of service on Thanksgiving. Day will include the foflowing: Prelude- Andartino moderato ........... Dubois Introit-"Praise Ye the Lord"............... Schmauck Anthem-"Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem".............. Maunder *Off ertory-"A.D. 1920" ...... MacDowell Award, Winauer Competing. in the 7th Nationaàl ,Children's' Photo graph cortest conducted by departmnent store photo studios and sponsored bi/ Parents' Magazine.... Miss Chloe Caylor, manager of the studio at Lord's, E v a n s t o n, brou ght many atoards to North S'hore ~tild$efl. Wi1ner of W the 1f th national cash csward is a little Wilmette girl who was photo graphed by Miss Caylor. She is Cynthia A>In Farris, (above) caughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Farris, 106 Broadiway, Wilmette. Gives L 1Prayer, as taught by Christian Science, is drawing near 'to God through a spiritual understanding of Him' rather than a petition to Himr to change His already perfect and complete creation. This spirit- ual understanding is justas effica- cious ini the healing of sickness as of* sin, for both are brought about through a wrong, process of reason- ing. Chri stian Science .teaches -that there. is .only one Mmnd, divine Mmnd, and that mortal mind is'a myth, a counterfeit of the.âne and- onfly Mmd, God, and that, the ýma- terial creation, mhortal mffan and a material univers e, is the taise'- crea- tion of. this, counterfeit mind, and hasno legitimate dlaim t0 power, or authority. Teamn members are.* Wenzel, Barbara Ramnser, VrM Fitzgerald, B e t t y Bowmani, cy Nelson and Nancy Larson. Don Hervig, Northwestern , u versityr diver,, Fred Verge, Cent1 A. A. V. champion, Miller Andi son, high school youth,' and 'r PoWell, southern diving charxp] of the Atlantic coast, 'and ôthi wlll give exhibitions. Miss Dorothy Schiller, member the:. 1936 Olympie team, WW ll an exhibition alonig with the Sbe nee Country club's water ballet. i meet is -open to the puiblic. goocl. Jesus attributeci seeming raul- ure to làa«ck of faith, 'or unbelief. The problem of salvation from sin, sickness, and death is individual. Each one must work it out for him- self through regeneration of tbinking, through an exchange of a materlal viewpoin't for spiritual comprehen- siori. God works with each one, for God and' man are inseparable.., dren's homes in Addis Note that the service of il o'clock. tead T hie order of service at il, o'clock on Sunday will include the following; Prelude--Non Kommn, der *Heiden Heilafld" ........... ... Bach Introit-"Unto Thee, 0 Lord, Do I Lift Up My Soul"........ .Schmauck Anthem-, "Cherubic Hymn" .....Rachmaninoff Offertory-"Virgin's Slumber Sog ................... Reger The speaker points in the Sciene: -.Mary covered th e fÔlIO'Wing lec ture on Christian Baker Eddy, its Dis- s FUR TRIMMED SUITS Reduced as low ms $35 DRESSES 729 East EIm Street wlg: "Gema, Jewels ad'uk (advance reservations must be. made, ftor Sunday tour.-2 p.m.i