r th~e cellar wlth Destroyers.- tya were won. by Rennolds Unery wlth w08 pins. Petty and trg or Gunners, tled wlth 592 "e tous of' a coini gave the 0 petty and the feathers :to* Browne of Enoineers tock rd. tuirkey, With 614 pins. Al birds were Won by onilya oints mnargi tteaim game: AtillerY, ý991, warn three games: *Artifleryr, ý410, 2818;, ýhlgh 'individual Rrowne,209; hlgh IndivIdual. garnes, 'Linidberg, -550. b; -,.- ~ W VERAGES AIL FLAVORS lUTTE ICI CC tATOR -ICCIl a Dey Rd.Wil,. onle from Locust iFarm Stores. Hi-Ridige Market droj3ped back in- to1 third place, losing two games to Ratny Florists. Ratny..Florists ;are In fourth place. Lu. Ugolini, of R a t n. y F'orists walkedaway wlth all honors this week, havi ng a; 196 gamne for high inidividual honors, and .473 for high series. She also won the potted Plant given by Rerman J. Ratny Forists as a prize this w eek, for, high series. There will be no. bowling this- week.' Standings: t.ocust Farmn Stores........ 12 9 .571 B e n r i c k o i i e lW .,y.L 1 0 . 5 P e t Mi-Ridge Market........... 101il .476 Herman J. Ratny Florist..9 12 .429' COMES FOR HOLIDATS Miss Miary Jane Orr will be home this week-end frorn the Universitýr of Ilinois to spend ThanksTgving with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les, J. Orr, 1002 Greenlea? avenue. Last 06 week-end Mr. and Mrs. Orr, ac- companied by their other daughter, MIS Mrs. March Edinger, went down to 58Champaign for the Dad's Day cele- bration at the university. Paid on fted States Goperiment Teispisme WIUU.tt. 1623