at night, breakfast was cooked the next rnorning on tin pan stoves out- doors and. luncheon gave them ex.; perience in "stick cooking,"'i a meth- od yielding succulent :results and dear to a, Girl Stout' s heart. Mrs. A. Heerens, Mrs. C. Melvoin4, Mrs. Earle :Lyon, Miss ILillian Ly- ons, Miss. Elizabeth Hoffmnann, Mrs. W. Burgoyne, *Mrs. D. Kýabele, Mrs: L. Silverý,_Miss Nora l'arier, Miss Adrienne Kavanaugh, Miss Dorothy Belli Mrs. H. Heaton,, Mrs.,E. War-. ner,, Mrs. C. Ostromi, and Mrs. Ira Reynolds, were the womnen attend- ig this overnigbt course. New Glee Club Leader Thé Wilmette iGirl Scouts are hap- py to announce that Mrs. Dewey An- responsibility iavingnau eperen in teaching music in the publi Troop 6 The high school girls o! Troop Eight Winners Named in P. S. and ':seaning ofenvelopes. full of iRe Cross seals -on Wednesday afternoon so ,that ,they may .reach 'Wilmette residents the day. after Thanksgiv- inig. Music Course Don't forget that thes'cond con- cert of the,, music appreciation course meets at the home 'Of* Dudlley French, 503 Hawthorn lane, Win- neika, at 2 o'clock -Saturday afier- noon,- November- 26. This concert wIll be on the subject of! Early Suites" with, Mr. French lecturing and illustrating, his talk with records. Top7 Troop 7, the eighth. grade troop, is..tlainnihg an nvernijzht htke tn the e Chiristmas gifts to charity. Last ,ie week two girls were invested i ur troop and two second class badges and one dance badge were awarded. 6 May Iloif, scribe. new inaterials; plumbing and sani- tation; heating and air-condition- ing; insulation and sound-deaden- ing, electric and gas service." She Is survived by a sister,' Mrs. Hermine Kollis, of Wauwatosia; by three nephews, John C. Bodmer of Wihnette, with ýwhomn she had made her home, and Edward W. and Wal- ter Bodmer, both of St. Joseph, Mich.; and by, three nieces, Mrs. Laura K. LundingÉton,;.of Wauwvatosa, and th~e Misses Minnie and Clara Bodmner of St. Joseph. Mrs.ý Meta, F. Wood Passes Away in City Mrs.. Meta Focke Wood, widow of the late Dr. William G. Wood of Glencoe and Wilmette, died on Wed. nesday of last *week In Chicago. She had been a resident of Glencoe for 3~4 years. Funeràl -services were conducted 4i the ety on Friday naternooei' 9y the Rev. J. C. O'Hare, pastor of the North Shore People's church, with burlal at Montrose cemetery. .Mrs. Wood is survived by five sons, Jul jus of North Chicago, Wil- liam G.. of Waukegan, John of High- land Park, Arthur of Glencoe, and Thomas of Chicago, by four daugh- ters, Mrs. Minnie Kees of, Evans- ton, Mrs. Jessie Mellish of Cali-, whicflhe iiý ad been Basocaff 30 years. A resident o! the vU.lage for years. his memberships. lncluded Shawnee and WestmorelandCou clubs. Surviving are, his wldow 'à Heirmie larrel Hudson; ýa cdai ter,. Mrs. Earl P. Shnable of! waukee; and a step-daughter, IN George Warren Barnes, III., or Iahoma,.CiV. TO TAKE FE»TRI? Miss Virginila IDalstro, dauud o! Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Da3sk, 1634 Walnut avenue, is home dt çouege, are joining ournr memui of the class for a field trip lni cago. fornia, Mns. Florenice Bleier of9 cago, and Miss Grace Wood,4 of Chcao; and by a brotAur, gust Focke, of Wsconsi. sponsored by the Public Service of three sections. T.ho: .Company o! Northern Ilinois were here wère W. G. Ruggl( announced this week .by J. W. Ke- Evanston; J. M. Appel, hoe, division manager of the com- First National bank, IHig1 pany. and W. D. Sorgatz, FID Those wlnning $200 each in the tural inspector, Evanstor, competition whieh began last March In all, nearly 200 homE weeV. H Moon, 720 Forest ave- tered i the Publie Sei bhy [A architec- es were,en-llý Your Children Friends andi equipmnent; landscapmng and ie- imI rior ,decOratioli. Sounid finangipg;,J