>e le é~uxbr 2,and the Chrlstrnas 4zaar s ponsored by the Nationlal Iuumnae assoCiation 'of!'the college a . hursday., Deceniber .1 and, Fr1,- gy, D)eember 2, will be i full wig. Mthe Book Fair there wifl be a olxtmIt5 selectian 'of childrees' *oks and adluit literature, as -well us sençeo8I reference books for the ïmmgy ibrary. The books 'to be hown, have been selected by the ibrsry committee of. the Parent-, !ehee Couneil pg the Most note- iehy in their particiilar fields, ac- xgdig to IMrs. Harold CuniL!!, Ual- ~broad, Glenvie1w, chairman of Slbrary comrnittee. 1faud Made GiIts Tbe program comnmittee of the ,Ouncil will give a tea i the Alun" Ie club roomn at the National Col- pge of Educatioli Wednesday ufter- wSc, Novemnber 30, for couxicil nmbrs and their guests attendig Ffand un aUl s ent by alumrnae nuntry are begi- Carlos Photo Nelidoif Photo. WIII Gïv.* Musical Pro gram Margaret Dee Hammonld, p ianist, (teft) a member- of the North, Shore Mus éta cub and a Kenlworth residenxt, wili .gtve a mus ical pro gram wfth Jarnce POT ter,,(right) Chicago opera and radio artiat, at a luncheofl at theFirst Methodiat church, Evanston, next Wednesday,. November 30., After the musical pro grain, the guests will play bridge in the Great hall. of the church or listento a travel talk by Mra. Hope Whitcomb, woriL traveler and student of international affairs. Mrs. Vernon Loucha of Kenilu>orth ia in charge of the afair. Wednesday e v e n i n g Edward HelImund, whose wlfe la the former- Eleanor Berger o! Kenilworth, will affer to, the public for lte first limne the colored movies 0f Ausîria and Czechoslovakla which he look tlist summer just before the Municht meetig. Mr. Hellmund, who was educated at lte Sorbonne and. at Oxford, went b lthe court of Spai aftr the war as. secretary to' Sir WOMEN VOTERS SLEAGUE NEWS The sixteeri-mémnber board of the National League ofWomen Voters, whieh includes three Illinois women Cybulski, 1s ister of , te bride, *woreý an aquamarine taffeta frock,with A, tight bo4dice, full skirt, and puffed aleeves. She cëarried a bouquet, of bronze '"mums." Mary Ami Bou-, dart, flower girl and. sister: of the bridgroom, wore a yellow taffeta dress made on similar lines: and' carried, bronze and yeflow "mums!" li a whte basket. Mrs. Peter Boudart, mother of the bridegroom, was dressed i blaçk icrepe. with. gold trimming and had a corsage of gardenias. Raymond Boudart served,, his brother-as best man, with Clarence Boudart and Anthony Puetz of Nueés Center ushering. The Rev. J. A. Neumann read the services at St. Joseph's church, which wet ollQwed by a dimne -t the Boudart home, 1114 Ridge road., and a reception later. li the evexxlng i Niles Center. Mr. and Mrs. Boudart are naw at home at 1814 Elmwood avenue, 'where they have taken an apart- ýçJotlon. lI addition 0tiieseand for a'hsmu ce.ad h ecueMunicht agreemnent. 'there wtU )be several lyad Bahtelucen ad liCerletreSet Forth Jrogram booths, a bakery- sale and a are fealurés of Ibis Vyearn'snentoChr.Lost-as ;featurin9S forelgn gifls Ihat mas bazaar al the First Methodist ,Vtdh ovninS.Lusls be sploored by the studefit chwrch. Dorothy Aldis, Kennetit Ior- April, te league's foreign policy býers of lte International club an, and Mary Jane Ward, Chicago. program calls for (1) active par- ie. college. and Evanston 'authors who have had ticipation of its membership ief- '4 ..eA ,hilden of books published this year, will be forts to establisit a collective peace ý -- - --- -- +,-niiti-vsytem, icluding support of Inter- mai, Chicago, next Sunctay 'evernng, beginig at 8 o'.clock. The ho.p, which will feature the music of Frankie Masters and his orchestra, will be for the bexielit of the Fox River sanatorium at Ba-, tavia. (~i.~i~nfhonor, wili be, Jack, Rian But ils power of choice corne wto eue i U -aA u k class. You fur-_ Heck, fromn Th'e instructionI rived the de ta 6e the S, lte eelebra house guesl speech of'z before lte Convenion: )m n the yvtober 29 eadlershp of the League of W orne» tary of State Hull Voters should çount in makingthe nal Foreign Trade choice unequvocally for dem0c*. lie worlç~laî at, a racy,". said Miss WeUs. t V- '-Mrs. Walter T.ý Fisher and Mrs. ment.