nae association of the college and the Parent-Teacher council.of the Children' s Dernonstrationschool. Mrs. Lester Nash, 531 Michigan avenue, Evanstoni, is chaitman of the.North Shore Alumfliae committee i charge of ticket sales,,anïd Mrs.- Hawley Smith, Rldgeview hotel,ý Ev- anston, is chairman- of the Parent- Teacher. coundil committee working. on ticket.sales. Ail seats are reserv- ed. for. the ,production, and reserva- fions ýcan be' made by calling thé Children's school office atthe Nation- al College of, Education. Germin Falry Tale The story of "T'he Ring o!, the, Golden River" is, based on the old G ernrian fairy tale about the adven- tures of a littie boy who won Treas- ure Valley away from his two selfish brt'offirs by reeasffigtheKig of the~ Golden River from the enchantment of a wicked king. An eleven-piece orchestra compos- ed of children from the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades at the Children's school will furnish the. music between the acts of the play. "The King of the Golden River" uill he fnllnwed at the National Col- Baker, 822 Milburn street, Evanston; Myiss Edna Dean Baker, 822, Milburn street, Evanston; Mrs. H. W. Bills, 850 .Ridge terrace, Evanston; Mrs. Robert Carpenter, 833 Glencoe ave- nue, Highland Park; Mrs. Frank T. Coote, 820 Milburn street, Evanston; Mrs. George Oulls, 2916 Grant street, Evanston; Mrs. Harold Cunliff~, Raleigh road, Glenview; and Mrs. Hugo Daimar, 935 Edgemere court, Evanstofl. Dr. and Mrs. C.1 B. Olney of Chi- cago will be the guests of Mr. andl Mrs. George E. Moyer, 710 Laurel avenue, On Thanksgiving day.. If YOU MAKE MANY CALLIS UN ýTHE "METROPOLITAN I j TlELEPHONE SERVICE AREA".. SET WEEN POINTS' WHERI THE 44 INITIAL RATE US MOT MORE THAN 15 CENTS...* MONEY- WIT1I METROPOLITAN TELEPHONE SERVICE I BELýL