vember 26. In attendance at the display fromn 9 6 p.m. daily, As Flight-$teward* David Schriner, who holds a transport pilot's license and is qu alified to explain the func- tion of more. than a hundred in- struments and ýcontrols .which. are _used m modem1 flight and naviga- tion. The puirpose of the display,-Post- master TCaylor -said, is to show air- mail users the. modern scienùtific a ids Which make it possible to speed airmail and passengers from Chi- cago to Miami or. the, West Coast oVernight, or to New Y'ork In four hours. 'A part of, the display is a large airmail mnap with buttons at the. principal airmail stops. Push- ing a button at any. city flashes a' red light- which incicates the mail Contained the the instrument pan- el are such aids as the famous Sperry automatic pilot, and Sperry -f torizon, the Gyro compass and oth- ers. Postmaster Taylor joined ýPost- master Herbert L. O'Connell of Wil- mette this week in an invitation to *al residents of Wilmette to View this remarkable educatiornal exhibit, th oIv ,ihorne of itg frmnd tM he Rhwn largest exposition of purebred live stock, :prime market *animals, .and fa rm crops. Manager B.. H. Hei de estim n.ates. that the value of the live stock that will be exhibited here this year will exceed $5, 000,000. They.wi#M repre- sent, 29 dii! erent breeds, Including six breedsý of beef cattie, il1,o! sheep,: seven o!' swine, and' five breeds of draft horses. In- addition,ý there wifl be severa l hi»dred head of the nation's best riding and driv- Ing horses and ponies seen indaily contest, i the Exposition' Shows. DIAMOND. RINGS Trhe ,diamoncL in the rings ilustrated sre.a avîcWi js gemsi, fishioned to give utmost yeiii n . are outstandin in beautY and value. :3UER.GENS &lil)ZILSZ N C o. e s * ChurchesI "Soul and Body" was the subje(ct * of the lesson-sermon ini ail Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, No- vember 20. The golden texct.was, "Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O .Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of * our soul lu to thy name, and to the rmembraflce of thee" (Isaiah ciay moriue,*' --- o'clock; held.'i the- edil Central avenue. Sunday venes at 9:45 o',clock. at 1003 lool con- 1938