IROlE FOR VACATION< IUam Leary Jr., atudent tt Pe university, Des Moines, Iowa, med to WiUlmette Wedxneday,« imber 23, to spendThanksgiv- vacation at .its home. Leary lâ ,phomore i the commerce col- H~e lu the son of Mr. and Willam' là. Leary, 430 Tenth Leuve -the Chidren W ws whIle you are away. For a kt, week-end or à month or tw.. «A. franiport fo Scliool now attend- Alsai-Pre-sokool and ib Swmmnlg, riding and dancing. REAONABLE RATrES Senior Clio ýers of the senior class at New» Tri> hw the Islands of Bermudaare Dy con- trast at this time of year einterlng into an early witer burst ot-bloom7- The tra veler to the Coral isiands will find no frost on. the vegetable patches, no seer brôwn stubble on the, Bermuda fields hi November. T7he bougainvillea is at its brifliant best: along gardeni walls, and. the vegetable beds bear fresh and lush piroduce. Over, 70 years ago Brig. Gen. Henry Denison of Chelsea,, England, intro- duced the purpie bougainvifla vine tc 'Bermuda-a species.,found.i Gibraltar. The -vine, flourished i the islands'. climate: and since, then bright crimson and brick-redi shades of the vine have been sucec.essfully planted. The purpie shades of bou. -~es g a t or eritm'oee- are church, where the bougainvillea le~North, Shore May Get plantings are the target for Armer- ican color snapshot artists'. Shortest Airway Line The November blooms include <~What is the shortest ."official" air hibiscus growing from 10 to 15 feet route in the United States? If and higli, bearig, briglit-green, heart ~iU when the Civil Aeronautics author- shaped leaves and large crimson- ity grants the recent request of Uni- Pink flowers. The single flowers of ted Air Lines for a "certificate of the shrub. endure only' for one day,. convemience and necessity" to oper- but the next morning finds new DWe ate the 23 mile route betweeu Chi flowers to replace the vanished bîpas- cago i.Munie~4iOa irnoradCrts soms of the previous day. points for the convenience of norw îlis and ate andHUUseveral of tne trees shore passengers connecting with its flaunt, their brightest autumnal New Yorkç - Chicago - California colors, i the month that is usuaUly planes. so dour and gray. in the United States. The cordia tree that grows USES OF SANTA'S STEEDS thrivingly in gardens and along the -sidewalks in Hamilton, carnies Americans may think of rei2ndeer orange - scarlet flowers throughàut only in connection with Santa Claus the entire year. 18 . ALL ASOAItP FORt ETif 9D1xit WAY TO L.caving ioda y ad .v.ry day DEARBORN STATION DIXIE FLYER Lv. Chiago (C& EIRy.) .. . 11:2 5 psu Ar. Jaçloeonvýill9 (seon ozirnzg) 6: 30 au of the, divýe er bct sPend a few days in UBIUo and