at Club gos. Howard Ringholm, chair- ni of the ways. an d means, com- ,tee, sponsoring the buffet sup-, which the Woman's Club: of ýmette will give this5 Saturday.' lit at the club~ at 7 o'clock, Say$ homhe-baked, supper is to'be h a good one that. when. the ntu first open 'the outer doors, y w ill "sm e11" the good th ings iking-just as, people do on ristmas day and thçr feast to Ofler "DoIIlar- Day,'" Yule Cifts The women of the Associated, Guilds ,of St.. Auùgusinre's,,Epis- cOPal church, under' the leader- ship of Mrs. R. C. Jennings, presi- dent, are presenting a Dollar Day sale ýof many. items suitable for .Christm'as'gifts. Mrs. L. C. Doug- lass, who is in charge of the prep- aratioins for this novel sale, bas announced the date as December 6., and that it is to be held in. the Parish house. Arno4g the -many fine gifts offered, there -is to be a table of pottery,, of. ner cuIaumrnLein arge oi tJi aing's entertainment, have ar- ged a program that should Ls everyone, as there are cards thie people who like nothing but le;- moving pictures for the peo- who like nothlng but the movies, camera pictures in a competi- for thie picture fans. In the day of camnera victures the com- Len&oir Hoocl Miller at her home, 106 Sixth atreet, Mondaij aiternoon, when, at 2:30 o'clock, Miss Brubaker of the National College of Education gave a talk on some of the worth white things in the life of, a little child. Tea concluded the afternoon. At frequent interv<zls, the ponm i pcturecl above has maide visits to Sunshine Corner, to the delight of the children, a group of whom is shown here, tith Mrs. Miller, The boys and girls in the picture, talcen at the tir4e of the pony's moat récent appearance, are: Don Coaart, Anne lnitiqp *utht,,.n. NMniie,ïLtndstrom. Euaene Ederer. J'une Camp- unusual feature, as wiIl the White $lephant table planned by .Mrs. R. B. DeVinny. The Junior guild, as a committee of one, is offering ..many delightful gifts suitable for the baby. There is also to be a table of linens and other, articles which make fine Christmas gifts. Mrs. J. M. Bowlby and Mrs. Gordon Wilson have charge of this exhibit. -vations which are [c, is practicafly y. is for theBbene- Kenilworth Guilds4fo Meet Close Coupon Book Sale gfund.-F.B.M for Luncheon Mondoly for Grand Opera Dec. 3 Christmnas sea6on of useful gifts. iles of many feon and edbçC ciHots ýembe 3, Mrs. George W. Kibby of 835 Lake twenty avenue will have thie next meeting a buffet of thie Reading Circle Monday, No-, vember 28, atio'clock. ,i and sewing The Chicago CitY, Opera eormmittee o! the Wom- announces through its local chair- hurch o! the men that the coupon books wiIl be é held at the taken off sale on Saturday, Decem- iext Monday. ber 3. . Although thie chairmen have ýeaf i(E.r!z enlle~d th e cupon books in from no8~ Mrs. kI-enry J. Stentilord. 5nwIll be served by thie R'uI+ Tilden WilBeo -Married in Januoary InThrist ebureh in earlIy January, Tilden o! Mrs. M. E. Dunham, mother of Mrs. M. B. Sand, 914 Sheridan road, is returning from a five weeks' trnp to St. Louis and Kansas CltY, MO., and will be home in tim-e for Thanlcs- givlig. WILMETTE- LIPE & Thie-regular -lunchei Faàxoris Nexi Revew mieetingis ýof the. guild 1 an's auxiliary of the achel Field s Book Holy Cotnforter wrnl home: