or'e on the uuWted LisY' Friday, Decernber 9, an extra ma-ý thnee of "ýHanseI and Gretel" will be given for children at 2 o'clock. nhe Llttlefield ballet, introduced to opera goers thîs season, is creating quite, a sensation, opera devotees declare, and. has won the praise of critics-I-t has been commended for ASts smoth and. unifled perf or- mnance, as many of its dancers have worked together for -quite a itimfe, Somne, of them for eight ý years. Two post-season performances will be gienbyGace Moo re. On Sun- day , January 8, she will sing "La Boem,"and on.January 159 "Ma- non.", The coupon books for the City Op- era performances will be withdrawn frer sale-on feceemher 3,- and oeil thiat time, can only be obtained from the chairmen of these villages, Mrs. Harry D. Briggs of Wilmette and, Mrs. T. Weller Kimbail of Kenil- worth. League Study Group Convenes Next, Monday The second of -aseries of tbree study groups on "Foreign Policy," belng held for members of the Wil., mette League of Women Voters at the home of Mrs. John Clark Ba- ker, 347 Maple avenue' will meet at Mrs. Baker's Monday morning, November 28. The last of the series is scheduled for December 5. "What Happened After Munich" will *be the subject of discussion Novem- ber 28. Interest in these study groups je increasing and twenty, members were present this week. They Mrs. Fred E. Parri of 622 Mapie, avenue, la co-chairmalL of.,the buffet supper, ibhicii, together, writh bridge,,'and entertainimeltý for those who donotplay ýcarde,, will be given this Saturday ni0iht At the Woman's Club of Wilmette under auspices of the tvays and means committee. The event ie open to the public. Dinn.r Club Holds Dance ai' Glen Vew The Dinner club, composed of a group of youig people from the North Shore townh, Evanston to Lake Forest, which meets for danc- ing at the various country clubs during the season, held the second dinner dance -of the- series Saturday night at Glen View Country club. The hasts and hostesses for this party were Mr. and Mrs. Erslpne Wilder, Mr. and Mrs., Wil Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Bentley G. MeCloud, Mr and Mrs. Keene Landis, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Harris. T'he Christmas dance of the sea-, son - 8 scheduled at Exmoor Coun- try club for December. 30.- tb TaIk Sneraloa A Distinctive- Personal Chrisnias Git Which dan Neyer Be Duplicated LUGENE L. -RAY STUDIO 1 f16 CriedgnAve.. VvanstonLUni. 2M3 wow 1H BLUM'S S E M1-ANNMAN CLEA with her parents m. nux ton A Bo:, 919 Forest aveni ANGE 709 I. '