Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Nov 1938, p. 45

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The year as a whole, however, is stili behind last in spite of the rapid- #ty with whîch home building has increased since July. The total for 1938 thus far represents 2'044 homes, to cost an estimfated $14,213,201 and that. for the corresponding ten nionths of 1937 stands'a t 2,116- homes the permits for which am ounted to $16, 127,992. This year may still set as good a, record as last in, the nuWTber of homes built but there is hardly time. left to make up the 2,O,000 difference in value, in, spite of te tremendous gains of the past four months. For a reason easily explained, sub-i urban building as a whole feli off ini October, both in comparison with last year and with September, -the figures being $2,907,228 for October, $3,O8li477 for September and $3,239,-1 932 for October of last year. This seèms t be due to the fa'èt that none of the 68 com-munities reportmngi- augurated any one project of suf- ficient value to offset such projects reported in September and also in October of last year. A single permit lUke that issued in September by E. M. Goodman, building commissioner o! Evanston, for the Isabefla apart- mçnts, amounting to-$6001,000, or in October, 1937, by the same commis- sioner for the dormitory of the North- Pr. ~a a *,xmuli laj Ps. ...g a ilock ýof them. The point is that sub- urban building, though the figures for Octoberý indicate a decline, has flot fallen off. On the contrary there is à condition of wide-spread building ini sUbstantial amnounts., Nine NIne Over $100,000 commùnities issued permits matin- i$100l.000 or more Freaci Provincial Home Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Hecht of Wilmîette are the owners of the newest addition -to:the estates section of Northfield.. James'Crabb, Wilmette,- ta the designeraènd builder of this French Provincial home located dtàa beautifu.lly iooded lot' in Thorntvood lane. In, designing- this home, -the. na- ture of its site and. the requirements of the owner were given care fui con-, sideration. The' resuit- is ai home which, fits its wooded'setting admirably 1yet sacrifices to design none of the re- quire ments of- this prominent N orth Shore physicins family. The living room with its circular bay. window at *one end and the :screened porch opening off the other is oriented to take 'advantage of both sunlight and the view. The pîne panelled library ivith its wide oalc planked f loor sharea the same delightful vie,» aver the modern kitchen, breakfast room and powder room complete the firat floor. Distlugushlng Features The center reception hall is dis- tinguisheci by its graceful open stair- case. The master suite including dressing room and bath is also plaeed to take advantage of the view. In ad- dition, there are two spaclous bed- rooms and tiled bath. An unusual era enttiusiast, his fhome would not be complete wit ho ut a dark room whicfr adjoins the space provided for a future recreation room. Last but by no means least, is the provision for heating. This is to be accomplished by a gas fired winter air conditioning unit embodying all the latest, well tested developmènt$s WHY BUJY A HOME? By A J. Woodcock; Wilmette Realty Go.. Yoý7u buy it for a place to live And raise.a family in; To get away, frorn city if e, Its smoke andl dust and din. To save the cost of moving Each summer, spring or fail; To provide a .sumner pqc~e *For ijour city friends to caîl. For the healthful exercise Walking to and from the train; Or putting up storm windows, 4ust to take them down again. To hose and fertiliZe the lawn 1 So that the thing will grow; Then, when you've nothing else to do There's always grass to mow. 0f moat any kind of ashack, You can always seil the .thing And get your rnoney back. The plans and the home when fin- ished will show the happy resuita that can be achievecl by the combiina- tion ýof a. vractical builder of manu . xnents im mte- comxnuny. The entfre, tract wm hob tat* landscaped,. will, contain wlid# roads and pedestrian pathi. AU me trie light and phone Mnes. wM 1 underground and the convenilon ugly street ý lamp posts will b. go spxuoulyabsent. and'li their p1w will arise what i s perhaps the lb liest. utility of the kind ever 4d signed iAmerica-he Jamles MW eèr lamppolt-a fixture aesth.tlea acceptable and i keeping with traditional feeling of the communit Public iniprovements wUl b. put and fufly paid for by the deveoq (and their .cost mceluded li the p chas. price of the home and rej dents will flot be annoyed witb, curring payments of specia' Is» ments.) Eveiy one of te 44 homes In t community is to be desIgned ar built by the Blietz concern and co veyed to acceptable familles prices rangmng fromn $11,500 to $X 000. Purchase price of the hon will inelude everything such as lan scaping, public improvements, az financing-a delightful home reai to move into. The same care used in the d eci by an acisory board whie include Mr. Blietz andpure] already Included i the con-un Appeal t. Young People The idea is to provide lihi lage not oxly the ideal home social atmosphere which wll to substantial citizens .and thelt ilie9.'Y Vineo ~uneo Rànsnd dA 'orth.

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