COAL & COKE ýMSIMNUE ILN when new beauty for them ir 15LTNI4tP ingly low cost? The answers IRNITURE SPRAYING minOur SERVICE colunps, wIoker furntÜre & refrigerators. us. 1accerýWifletka 31W.,2fc tïiîng of reliable, skilled. wc frdworelacesALWAYS RiER &TO THI I.lieft. Backsali and cow maà- ;h.Wil452.c Gust Andermon 15LTN2Otfc.,3* HOME MADE FOOD PRODUCTO ____________ DARK FRUIT ýCAKE opTOMERIST ORDERSTAKýEN. $1.10 PER POUND. OPTMETISTMARIAN THOMAS. WINNETK-A 794. Sexptrlflce. EyeB fitted properly. 39L29-ltP en lenimesrepl&ced. frame reeaire<1.HOME MAiÏ OUGHNUTS Joseph F..Kuss Hrs d'Ouyrmd Opn fac sahçl: cOm st..,Winnetka 3671 Mrs. Irene Baker, 524 Maple. Ave. 15A4LTN354fc Wilrnette 4151. 39LTN27-4tp nDiLIÎNQ AMD RPAIP 89-A CTRN FLAGSTONES WE WILL HELP PLANANSRE ýFLAGTONESall your parties, Cocktail, Weddings, doors. 1etc, 2lL29-ltp, Only competent and experienced men and women serve you. Our servce adds * Class." FOR APPOINTMENT-DAVIS 7668 ~39A-LTN29-3tp FOR WXPEIIENCED CATEltERS,.WAITRESSES AND WAITERS CALL cGLENCOE 2007 39A-LTN27-4tp 53 LAUNDRY LARWOL HAND LAUNDRY Why permit shabby rooms nay be obtained at surpris- to these needs will be f ound which comprise the adver- àrkers. US PAGE FOR SERVICE OTAND POUND MALE, LONG7 BROWN COCKER EARS, WIRE HAIRED BOIDY.- AN- SWERS TO NAMdE OF "COLBY." CALL WILMETTE 418 3LTN29.ltc Io DINDE AND ROPICAL FEUN. Feeders for Outdoor, Birds. SOMETHING DlFPERENT. WILL KEEP cardinals, etc.. here ail winter. Aiso suet feeders. MACDONALD'S 1504 Sher- man ave., Evanston Gre. 8832.' 1oIirN29.ltp 44.INBTRitUicTIN VERA G. TORREY Teacher of corrective speech. N rthwest- ern graduato. Stuttermng and other de- fects treated. Uni. 5924. 44LTN29-ltp 47 MUSICAL INTRUCTION PIANO INSTRUCTI or studio. Adv.r Approved classical est method for pop .STELLA McDC >UR HOME [beginners. n. Aiso lat- g harmony. rIL. 5057 47LTN16-tfc property. Ini;uroegt 4ý! w vo. Joseph C. Cormack & Co., 1569 Sherman, Evanston Uni. 3353 87LTNO-tf c si siTrUAIOiN WANTUD--EMALE1 COM'. WO)MAN WqIýSESWORIC ANY DAY INCL. SUN. FALL HSECLNG. WASH WALLS, BLANKETS, PREPARIE DINNERS. .CARE WOR CHILDEN EVES. BEST REFS. WInNETKA 1511. 9LNltp IF :YOU NEED HEiLP CALL WINNETKA 1096 Exper. cook. By day or wk. N. S.. refs. 94L241tp *wANTD- HOME' LAUNDRY, .WET, WASHOR INISHED, DONE BY EX- PE É1ECD WOMAN. BEST 0 F. REFE9RENCES. WINNETKA 2708. 94L29ltp EDUCATED* REFINED MIDDLE- athed lady wishes posiion with. an, oth: as. comipanion-; light nursing. Exc. local doctor'.s ref. Moderate sal. More. or eve. Nevada 89M. 94LTN29.ltp CLEFANIN4G, C 0O OK I N G, SERVIÎcG, wanted. $3 per day. North Shore ref- erences. Cali Keystone 9129. PARTTIME WORK. Aiso evenngs. Good forth shore refer- énces.G,[encoe 555. 94L29.ltp -EXERIENCED SWEDISH WOMANý wants practical nursing. A good cook. Wiil supply ,references. Cati Miss Ben- son. Winnetka 2037. 94t29-ltp ltEFINED COLO1RED GIRL WOULD like hall day work. Mornings prefer- red or steady work. Cail Glencoe 692. 94L29ltp OUTSIDE DR-' liver. Winnel 60 PIANO TUN Al v Thomas LockE TVNER, WfL AND DE- 53L29-ltp and lady'ý rJE PUB. over- --94LTN29-ltp ilidren. COOKXNG, TEMPORARY OR PERMA- Linden neit, by exper. Swedsh woman with N~29-te N. S. refer. Wlnnetka 2423. 94L29-ltp ENSWQULD LIRE TO FIN-D DAY' WORK 1dress for reiable ceanlng woman, with me 'l coat. 5 ears. W nnetka 241. 9L9-t S29-ltp e1t. exper I,716 ELm S.11 r .7-4tp *garag Wilson, L nsS.,j rheed 4944. 29-3tp M j . -r Wifl