Leaders lopeful Dscouraging SIfuationi Spurs Doter- minationt to Comploe.Fuünd Rais- ing task With receipts to date stili. $9,000 shorto! its 1Sudget, and.rmany work- ers who voluriteered to participate in the canvass.either making no, re- port at al or reporting very slowly, the Comnmunity Chest association is expressing its belie! that the people of Wilmnette- wiil not "leýIt domwn" those worthy charities which de- pend upon it for funds, especially the local organizations that take care of our own needy people. Not Discouraged Chest officials, far frorn being discouraged or in doubt as to wheth-- er Wilmette citizens really want a Community Chest, are reiterating their faith in the generosity and good wiil of their neighbors, and their fa ith that its budget will be subscribed -and paid -in full. So strong is this faith that, in spite of temporary djscouragihg conditions, these offiéials, instead of complai n- ine of c.nnneratiot¶ withheld. are pon- Campaign Begins -N Tr- IA 1 Rabbi Ste phein S. Wisae 01 Néw Yorkc, acknowledged as one of the country's greatest orators and thinicers, will addreas the New Trier Sunday Evening clubu Noaember 27 in New Trier High 'achool auditorium., He wifl dis- cuss the timel1, aubject, "The Jewish Situation Througliout the World." Christm as ýConcert Is Set for December il Announcement is made that, the an nual Christmas Music Festival at New Trier High school willbe held mi.whearlier than usual this sea son. The date 1s set for,4:0. o'clock Sunday afternoon, Djecem- ber l;, and enl those interested in hearing the concert are asked to reserve the date. This wifl be, theý séh1ool's twenty-first. annual festival Community Chest- Association WilI Ekect Directors The annual meeting o! the Wil- mette Community Chest association will be held Tuesdayevening, No- vember 29, at 8 o'clock, in the coun- cil chamber of the Village hall. In addition to receiving the regu-ý lar annual reports, five directors are to be elected., A nominating. prinuittee has - been. appointed to UM. Y Into Wilmette ý Homes An ticipate Generousl Thanksgiving Day inaugm the. annuai! sale of Chris Seals, those bright, cheerffi, orful little mnessengers of will and good health that M much to the Christmasy aP ance of letters and packages do so much.for child an" victims of tuberc-1osis. In tomorrow's (Friday). Wilmette villagers will ra letters containing a, quaniti these seals, with a Iette r re ing theïr purchase., The4 tee in charge of the sale that remittances be Prôrnptly. Aid Realth Conter The Christmas Seal sale :L ducted by the Tuberculosis In of Chicago and Cook county, a funds are used to defray penses o! the tuber- cUlosis linic which ClIIUMU e recomniendath "We are truly thank!ul," said the president: -To our éommittee of 250 men 'and 150 womnen who are acting as solicitors. "To Lloyd G. Gage for his eve- ning attendanice at the Chest office durng heentire month of October. -To the Wilmette State bank for use of its directors' room, which courtesy has been extended for sev- eral years._- abiCharles E. Shulman's ser- mon topie at the services of the1 North Shore Congregation _Israel1 Sunday morning, November 27, will be "Is Life Worth Living?-Some comments on the price of the strug-ý gle to survive." "The sermon," says Rabbi Shul.- man, "attemptsto discuss the ques- fincin thi li-at4of the maflV fac- The meeting is opený to the pub- lic, and ail villagers mnterested in the Chest are urged to be present. Offer Aid ini Fixing Up Cbristmnas Parcels In order to avoid annoyanée to patrons and to facUlitate the for- sized that, while lasi: year's sale reached the largest amount L in its history, the !u-nds were si- li-M sufficient to pay the Ira cost o! the Wilmette clinic. It la the hope of the comfldttee this -J. A.