es ftking the nrut galne U01UMe [ fromn the-Bobeats. Bil Cloud, la Of the losers, was b hhpohit vtt 19 points to. hii credit, li »ex Benson of the. Flashes tue behind with 17 ponts. Xawkeyes trouticed the.Grou- *t» 19 t. get a start- ln the o. Jas. Gregory's 20 Points were hto wlfl for Jis :.Hawloeyes, Mo maGje hlm highscorer for e awrence's Demons came out e mmaU end of a 50 t. 26 score theyr played 'Inga's X. !"%-". eague, also got starte d. umoc led out a 20 t. 19 victory. the willes by the last minute n made by1 Tùm Colvin. who scorecd 12 points 1Uelae te whole floor on the de- sck and his Hornet's beat Lds. Eagles 38 t. 17 t. be ated team in the league. worth was too good, scor- uts for the Hornets. league had another prac- 1 on Tuesday night. The n front the Blowouts 29 to FiG FT P FG PT TP Il. Emr'k 1 I 14 Mulns,f1 -,0i1 i Rice,'! - 4" 8 Janaes,f 9 0 18 Nevin,g9 O1) OM'kelson,g 4, 1 9 P. Emr'k, g 5 il PhlliPs, 9g O0O0 O Referee, Speredes-Scoreér, Waite L3yman Drugs (35) Toppers (22) FGFT:P ,FOGFT TP Preemnan, f 3 6 R. H'Ign's, f 0 Ostrom, f: '02' 2 Steffens, f >1 Soule, c. 6 12 Versino,-c 4 2 10 Howard, g O.0 1 1LF.H'gn's, g 0O- o Qunla, g 1i 2 rychta,g9 i -2 Everhart, f- 5 2' 12 Johnson,,g, 3 2 8 Refe.ree, Speredes-Scorer, Waite Nelson Laumdry,(65) Swishers '(22). SG PT-TP 1FG VT TP F. H'tm'ni, f 4, 9 Domman, f 1 1 2 J. HWtmn, f 10 2. Maguire, f 2 4 Joslin, c 13- 26 K-nies, c 5 10 Kleinm. g 0O 0OW'teside, g 0 0 Muhike, g :3 > . 6 Ro'nstiel, g 1 2 Reschke, g 2 1 5 Haley 0 0 Michelson 2 4 Referee, Speredes-Scorer, Waite River'Ini (30) Moderne Cleaners (15) - 1PG T TP 1 . ý FG T Krwan, f 1 2 R. Meter, f O0O0'0 Lechner,f 2 4 O'Neilf 1 1 3 Siefert, c 6 4 16 V. Meter, c 2 0 4 Yeoman;g 0 0 R. S'liv'n, g 0 0 0 R'nwaid, g 0 0 Oelerich, g 1 .0 2 Roberts O 0 Krafthefer, 0 O 0 Speoht 4 8 T. Sullvan 2 1 5 Referee, Speredes-Scorer, Walte "CI' LEAGUE Iaga's X (50), Demlons (26) FGFPTTP FGPT TP Moore, f 7 2. 16 L'w'ance, f 3 4 10 N'ukranz, f 4 1 9 Davis, f 3 2 8 Gregory, c 6 0 12 Tweed, c 2'0 4 teaU14 are expected to give the Mioore, f 7 I1 1> Gleor, e133 29 Rt Dmores a good battle for the N'kaz g10Os le championship. Bet'gh's,' g O 0 Kc Referee, Anderson-. bl1e Tennis Club F Gahe FT TP Benson,f 8 1 17 Ri Is Gong Co cern Yo'ngb'g, f 1 1 3. DE drp lgtahveberi~D'Vin'ey, c 51iIl' CI v« Ibe tables on the maini floor Hutchins, g 0 1 1 D.) Le cntr which are used by the , Referee, Anderson-, fi,f 2 0 4 vusso,ce 0 1 l isorne, g 0 2 2 :oerber, g O O 0 -Scorer, Benson Bobeats (30) FG FT TP~ tuso,f '2 1 5 )ewar, f 1 0 2 loud, c 9 1 19 .ergus'n, g 0 0 O avs, g 1 0 2 -Seprer, Magner system of credits lias been estau- lishedi. Credits will be given for prompt, âttendance, athletic activi- ties, and for s;ecuring .new memn- bers. At the, end of the season girls in the higher point bracket will beý given a party by the girls in the lower balf. The following 'girls haVe: already. won: 20 points by. climbing a rope which is one, of the series o! e!-, ficiency tests. Betty ,Steftens, ,Ruth. Neumnan, Jean B r a d y, Lorraine Gassman, Lady LUndy, Lois Hoffman, Mary Lou Schmitz, Lena Malizio, Frances Maher, Shirley Doolittie, Rosemarie Hottmani, Shirley Anderson, Jean Engles,. Mary Nelson, Virginla No- vàk. On Thursday evening, Dec ember ~first, the F~un and& Foi club$ WilI give a costume party for mothers o! the mernbers. There will be relay races and other athletlc activities, and also some musical games. The girls will serve refreshffents. Barn Dance Gets Too Big So They11 Make It Two 1 ittle too large a group to inuiale i. the Centeze So it has been decided to have two ni.ghts of barrn dancing. The advanced dancers wiIl meet as usual on Tuesday .nights. Some other night in the week wrnl be set aside for the beginners. Watch this paper for the announcement of 'the, first barn dance for the beginners. An open letter about the Open House which iviil be i~d at the ComniwMiCenter on Thursday eve- ning, Decembet 1: In order to have an opportunity to meet the younig rarrled couples of the cormmunity, -the. fathers and mothers of theé children who corne to the Center daily, and others who are interested in the welfar e of the Co0m-. munity, Center-1We will . hold Open House Thursday, December. .Many people corisider the Com-. munity Center as an institution which. gives the younger children, super- vised and. organized play and in- struetion in handicraft, ýmusiîc and dancing. in the afternoon,ý and-the, young people supervised entertain- ment in the evening.- It is mnore than that. It is, your social center as wvell. So viit. us on Thursday evening, Decemnber 1. You will be assured' of a cordial welcome from the staff mebes who will be delighted to have an opportunity to meet you, and, will do their best to assure you a pleasant evening; You wi lç 1arn more about the in,- teresting and instructive activities which are offered. If you can give us some suggestions which will help to make the Comrnunity Center the kiîid of an institution you want it t. be you may feel free to discuss such matters ýwith any membèr of, the and girls butwll aiBo' give enjoy- ment and entertainmnent to all of the citizens of this community. Badminton Will Remain as Scheduled Activity, The Recreation departmnent is pleased to announce that the badmin, ton players ti Wlhette have responded very favorably on Tues- days and Fridays. This 'increase in FG IPT TP F TT 4 3 l ierriUif, 30 4) il1Bown,f124E aG. Arnupç4 3 ili ,e, Anderson--Scorer, Lan r.A lie in-. let '8 are