as .a safety procecture, n 15 itrstu'a to note, the fllovving rules for cycliste laid down by an expert who has made a. speclal study of this traffit, problern. Parents should direct the attention of their children to'these rules of: safety. Ten commandmnents of safety for bicycle riders are. listed by Richard. O. Bennett, whose research on. "The Bicycle and. Traffic Safety' bas re- sulted ini a book published -by the Traffic institute' of NorthwesternI -uniersty~where, Bennett studied for a year on *a. Kemper foundationI fellowship. "'Since the revival 'o! bicyciing as a pastime -in 1935, t he numnber of bicycle accidents has increased at an alarming rate," he said. "*To- day, with,7,000,000 bicycles and 28,-~ 000,000 motor cars mingling on our *streets -and4 h1ghway&s the bazgrcIp of bicycling are great." The ten rules of safe bicycle rid- Jng, according to Bennett, are: 1. Do not ride a bicycle' with an- * other person on it, unlesit hae two seats. 2. Stop at all stop signs. 3. Ride only on the right 'sie of the street. 4. Do not dling to any other ve- hicle. . . A Spa ker The Logan-Howval' P. T. A. isý sponsoring an :eVening Meeting folhe parentsý of pupils at* the Hfighereat achool on Tuesdaii ev e- ing, November 29,. at 8 o'clock at theý school. Paul. J. Mf.aner, superintendent .0f ,the, Glencoe Public achools, wUl spealç on "Trends in Modern Education." Toloff Photo Mrs. C. A. Lundberg, 1010 Elm- wood avenue, who has been quite iii, was taken to the Evanston hos- pital last week and wMl be confined there, for sorne time, it is expectéd. During her absence' her sister. Mrs. Minni Lamb, o!f Racine, Wis., is stay- ing at the Lundberg home. and entertainfig to everyone, re- gardiess of individual talent, or experience. Hie programs a r; e, unique in their informnai, humorous approach. to music. Hie. ie in con- stant, demand' as a lecturer* and frequùentlyappears. as extpert wîtness in court -cases- involving musical plagiarismn. He,.is presiderit.of tbe National Ass ociation. for' American. Composers, and Conductors. agogue, New York, Which he' 4M ed in 1907, -.wrn lecture, in New auditorium Sunday, Novemeé under the- auspices of the New. Sunday Evening club. Rabbi' Wise's subject will "The Jewlh Situation Tbrout the. Worid." Rabbi Wise is acknowledge& peof .Americas greatest on mnelfli*ri.rriz lq£0 R ho auri& Gjl ycist SeIrioÙ9slyth Zi6nist 1.Injured ini Kenilworth and: has bi Dorothy KCnudson, 13, daughter of exponents, Mr. and Mrs., Irving J-. Knudson,, He wasE 211 Abmngdon road, Kenilwvorth, was. East Reele seriously injured Thursday evening He was p o! last week while riding a bicycle of the Ai*e *on Ridge road at Kent road i that lte peace village. Rabbi Wi The lnjured girlws taIten t' #itôm Zù Evanston hospital, where it was painstaking found that she had sustained a frac- 'ation, part ture of the lefi leg, and also a -skull sad pllght fracture. Accordlng to police reports Germany the accident happened as one auto- 'countries. mobile was passing another and lte- bicycle came into -contact with one of the rnovlng cars. Me onIT Use rganmez13ime o Ar ;eegnizame of tA-u0 ,for many yearu.' iso founder of the precident of the d4qh eican Jewlsh cosde onferene ln a ana Vi Serve a 7, Do not ride out.of alleys and criveways, or fromn behind parked cars, without, stopping to cee that the sidewalks' and streets are clear of traffic. 8. Obey traffic signais and the orders of traffie officers and scitool patrols, 9. Do not engage in trick ridmng or weaving i traffic. 10. Become familiar wth,' and Needed He, Says Expert The recuit of the survey and the - recmmendations which Mr. Bar-1 In an address before the Wiln¶ette tholomew's concern wili make to the Civic league' Friday, Harland Bar- Village board are being awaited wîth tholmew f Hrlan Batholmewkeen intereet by villagers who real- ize that corne changes' muet be made and associates, St. Louis, engaged in order to permit better use o! many by the Village board to make a land properties now sadiy in need of re- use survey 0of the -entire village, re- habilitation. torted that the staff is maling prog- IIIIIIIiIIIuIIIIBlIIIIIIIhfihIIlI church. The 'event is to be held day evenmng, December 7, ai in the Social hall of the The speaker will be Dr. Greeley , Smith, a former p the church and now preàs the Garrett BiblicalI nstI# pastor, the Rev. Erskibz* Jeffords is to extend a short thir Eat This