tute in local tuberculoais w*orlc, none of it bemng used for the operation of Wilmette H-ealth Center, Which, is financed by the Wilmette Commrunity Chest., The Health Center conducts the Infant welfare, dental, eye and immunization clinics' and its, other. activities, with. which the institute lias no, connecton. 'The. two. health aene r opletely divorced, the committee asserts, and the funds of one are flotdiverted to.the other. ContinuéIe o New Year. The Seal, sale which opens today will, continue t hrough, New Year's day, and the committee, consisting of the following, pleads fora gen er- ous response fromn villagers:. worth planist,, will open the ba- zaar Wedniesday at 12:30. Bridge is ýscheduled for 'the Greal hall ln the afternoonj and at the. samne hour, in Glenna hall, Mrs. Hope Whit- comb Gdrahamn, world traveler* and stude nt of international affairs, will talk on current events. Mrs. Ver- non Loucks. of Kenilworth is in charge of the .arrangemients for Wednesday afternoofl, and Mrs. Harlan Greenfield, Evanston,,is tickets chairman. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Edward Hellmund- will present for the first time in public colored Mo- tion pictures of Austria and Czechio- siovakia which Ie ,toolc tlis -surr- s i s Phone WULMETTE 2800 -Service to:arid From 'Wilmette-Evanston -Chicaigo Five Cents Per ½2 Mile Iond.d Drivers North Cibý Stands a: Central St'. ""C N. -W. Central St. Stalle Isabelle. St. ý'L"-Cenfral SI.- & Liiic@low ood A gala local talent vaudeville performance, "Hi-Lites of Christ- mas Tree Lane," wiIl be the last entertainnient feature off ered at the bazaar, at 8 Thursday eveming. Charles J. Kostbade Is Sunday Servies-î i a.m. Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-8 p.wii. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 ad. A. CORRECTION In last week's issue of WILMETT LwE it was incorrectly stated that Miss Ruth. Hoesch of 1507 Central aVenue, accompanied by Miss Viola Raithel of Çhicago, was to leave Saturday to spend several days at Bioxi, Miss., and eew Orleans be- fore leaving on a tour of Havana, E.. At. .L UVL Ir Q *j . i. LNdu, ". * - and John T. Chadwuell. 1 VISITOR FROM GREENBAY Mrs. Donald H. Mershon, former- ly Regina Fontham, arrived ini Wil- mette Sunday from lier home in (1-ren nv- Wi. to- uisit ler Qpen Daily (except Wednesdày) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 8:45 ?.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and alother authorized Chrisfia Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading 3.owiî TUE PUBLIC IB CORDIALLY IN'VITED, TO ATTEND THE, CIIURCH &EIVICZ ANDP VZSIT THE READING ROOM, mette 28 Wl'.". 413 Linden Avenue Wl Insured Cabsý