wno we bership enth, ar in their rwno ex4 HONOR ROLL Third Grades Marilyn Bishop, Joan Bulley, Nancy Danforth, Janet Fry, Patricia Kubiak, Florence Maurer, Jane Meacham,, Natalie Wakeley, Clara Wanner,, Betty Schaeffer, 13arbara Zipprodt, Robert Brenneck, Don Brigham. Bra iey -Glass, Frank Pendieton, Paul Peterson, Roland Strom, Warren Tomnas. sene. Edward Warwick, Shirley, Campbell, Paul Close. Mary. Heberling, Jimmy Hem phili, Kenneth' H-enning, Thomas Hoetger, John Humphrys, Wilhelmine knight, Patricia Mooniey, Shirley Paidacr, Joan Pavlik, Corner Plummér, Lyle .Rich- mnond,, Margaret Ross. Thomnas Schmitz, Stuart Smnith,. Joan Vedoveli, Billy Wat- kins, BiIly Wieland, Nancy Zeiss. Fouith Grades Anme Boyle, Barbara Corbett, Joyce Flack,. Jeannette Frankenstein., Dorotby Got-ttsch. Phyllis Marschall, Billy Merkle, Nathalie Mervis, Ann Peterson, Dianne- bAubi neau. * Barbara Jeanne Branch, Joyce Cing. man. -Claire Colijns,. Alfred Davis, ,Bar- bara Dyer. Marian Gage, Arabella Heb- ér-lig. Beverlev Jorgensen, Clella Lafferty. -Margaret Nuveen, John Robertson, Da- vid Rockcastle, Alian Ross, Suzanne Sehwý,ab. Josephine Scribner, Miles See- ley, Marcia Seely, Edith Watkins, Benny WVeese. Fifth Grades Susanme Anderson, Virginia Beaven, Phillip Craft, Laura Alice flodd, Joe * Janns>itta, Robert Johnson, Richard Kilner,. Toni Morrison- et Munroe, Suzanne George Sherman, lPana Stoen, uwain Williamns, Virginia Vernoni. Sixth , erade Rýoger Anderson, Alice Barnes, Barbara Cody, Mary Crowell, Harriet Darley, Re- nee de La Chapelle, Bobby Ellis, Leonard Gilbert, Billy Henning, Betsy Ann Hath- away. Beverley Hicks, Jerry Ketcham, Newell Knight, Dalbert Shefte, Herman Stein, B3arbara June Weise, Sue Ellen Loucks, .Joanne Leiàch, Dorothy Lideeker, Nancy Charles Rockëaàtle, Bill Rodcdick.. Eighth Grade Ann Cody, Shirley Cooter, Elizabeth Dilling. Jean KixMiller, Millicent .Kleckç- ner,., Dortha- Klein, Marian. Petersen, Frances Peterson, Marianne Trud or, Flor- ence Wllett, John D.Irley, Milford DaVis,, Henry vZa.nder,. Robert Rîgler, Don Royce, Ray Wiese. Býil Knepper, son of Mr: and Mrs. George B. KneppYer.. 1404 Maple'ave- nue, carne home last week-end fronm Purdue univet-sity bo visit his pair-, ents. LEGION BOWLING LEAGUE *Torpedoes dropped two* to Bomb-, ers while .ArtilIery took two frorn Gunners- still to keep a tie .with Bombers for first place. Destroyers *wte~d ttp the En1gfl'ers by tà1ttff ql three games, and leaving the En- gineers in the cellar. High team game, Destroyers, 980; high team three games. Artillery, 895-907-934, '2736: high Iidividual game, Moody, 224; high individual three games, Moody, 155-167-224, 556: 200 games and over:--Môody, 224: Bassier, 212; Browne, 211; H. Gould.- 203: an-id ]alstromn, 203. Team Standings Teain Won Lost Pet. Bombers .... ........15 -9 .M-), Kitchen Modernizi Palace Quality PRIMRE STEAKS The very finiest of prime beef fully aged, cut to order. PRIME SIRLOIN STEAK, lb ..... PRIME ,PORTERHOUSE5c STEAK, lb. ..... SLICED RAM Ve ry cock.ý best. 1 lb. Pea- pkg., 35< PORK-LOI 2 o3-b,.v . IN IROAST. Standing Z lRLOIN STEAKS, flIlROST Tender and .luicy, lb-l 2 ROUND STEAK~S, B EEF Tender and Juky, lb.32 6th and lui PORTERROUSE Rib,Ilb...-7C STEAKS, lb ......39 Try Our Boneless PORK and VEAL STEAK ..........Ilb. 39c Try. Our Boneless OUEF TENDERETTES .... ........Ilb. 45C SPAM White Fiai, Strictly F r e s h. Horm-el's 2 Genuine. Jumbo, 3- 1ozcan .... Cr to 4 lb avg, lb J390 FRESHGROUNDDUEF...................... 2 bs. 39ç> 100% PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT ....... ......Ulb. 23c FRESH MOCK CHICKEN LEGS ...i.. .......... *ach 1 c (Cut in smail cubes) - - - - - - - - - - - I Ma Dwown's Jama Apricot-Peach-Pineapple . :Lw Special this week only-lb. Ja., 1 7c 014 -manae Jeas t