Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1938, p. 22

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9:30........ ý.I.Curceh achoci 10:50.......... Beginners and Primnaries il .... .. ..Morning Worship 4.Kappa M Phi 'at .Methodit church 4:30 ....unior Yourig PeoPle's grouP We will have As our- guest m-nister for Sunday, Bryan Stauffer' president of Doane college, Nebr. His sermon therne Will be ..Ëducating for Character." This. service will. combine the Sundays set aside for "Youith SundaY" and Church-. and-.College-DaY. Members of the hïgh sehool group will asslst iii the conduct of the gworshlpi The music w Illbeas follows: Organ Prelude - Noel.........ubois Anthem - O Holy Night ..........Adam offertoire Quartette -,"Sleep, My jesus, Sleep" Dutch, arr.. by Dickinson C rgan Postludo - Tidings of -Joy... Bach CALENDAR 'FOR THE: WEEK Thursclay, Decemnber 1- * 3:30 - Girls" choir rehearsal 3:45 - Girl Scouts, Troop VII 4 - Boys, choir rehearsal ~7:5-Seflior choir rehearsal Friday, December 2- 1 0*5 _Bok eview Monday, Decemfber 5- 7:30 - Boy Scouts, Troop 1 7:30 -Girl Scouts, Troop VI * Tuesday, December 6-- 7:30 - Boy Scouts. TIroop Il Friday-' December 9- Womefl'i>Iuild luncheoni 8- Girl Scouts, Troop VI, Clothingl project and demonstration 8 -Abracadabra Christmas Party PLEUGE CANVASS Swiday is Church Pledge Day. A large group cf workçrs will cail on our memn- te ail Who-, as. gvers and aliersî, par.- ticipate in this esséntial ser vice. .'We hope ail our benefactors will rise to this occasion and match a new level cf in- terest with a new plan cf giving. WOMEN'S GUILD The Decemnber Womnen's Guild luiicheon wili be served Friday, December 9, atý 1 o'clock, ini the Junior room of the church, by the Neighborhood circ1e~~, of which Mrs. E. H. Burge is chairman. The prograin for the afternoon will be prOvided by Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, cf Pierson. JUNIOR: yOUNG PEOPLE'$. GROUF The Junior Young People will meet toS au jjnda y afternoon at 4:30 -o'clock. ' The Sudy ill be .Right .or Wrong." Five mnember s of the group Will lead the dis- icussion, with Ed Devlin, pýresident. pre- siding. Methodist 6Church Lake and Wilrnette avenues Erskine Martin Jeffords,, minîster "Fp-llowshin i n Fnith and Service," iýs the theme o!f the mrinister's sermon for Sunday mor-ning, Decemnber 4. Thi, serv- ice starts with the organ prelude at 10:456 o'clock. . an.d the .Introit is sung just heýfore 11. You are invited to share in, thé entir#- service. Organ (10:45), "In Dulci Jubile-............... -Carillon"..............Dlamarter Marie Triei .Vcm , oný, I m neni ...a.ue. fnrth into Jo..........S53imper Offertnry Solo PGrand choeur"...... ...........Rogers. Dr. Sherwood Eddyv. world triqveler and lerturer. wiU sreak in thîs rburch at a 4:30 o'rlock vr-soer service Sundav aftprnoon. Deteernhr, 4. This s"ec-ial s'-rvice is snonsored bv the vo1u+h of the çhlireh and isa'a part of the .FeUowm rention at 6o' o Iu anc" ,,,.,., 0; :45 . Dr. Rlhprd Rainfs. minlafePr of thie Hennrnin Avemtie( churc-h in Minne- anolis. wlll be the speaker. Horace *Young will take youir reservation. On Tursdlav evf-nine of F-ellow.Shiin W. .p3< flecen'iber 6. the Philathea rlass will meet at 8 o'plorlç in the Weman's room. A snécial Christmas musical pro. Pgram wlll be nresented bv Mrs. F. D. Ande-rsoni, soprano and planist, and Mrs. C. W. Lerchi, vilinist. The M é*gn'ç WF1lowsl )dinner vwill be St. A ug ReVý. Hubert Carletol Rev.,Ctiandler ,DC.L., rector ,g, curate .' SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT 8 a.mn. HoPy Communion 9:45 a.m. C hurch school iar.Holy Communion and Sermon 7- p.m.l Confirmnation -instruction in church offices:, Young Peoples"ieet.ing in the Parish Heuse. Sunday alternot, December- 4, the choir gees to Grâce church, New Lenox, Iii., to sing Evenýsong at the Confirma- tion service held there at 5 p.m. Con- firmation. is to. be admninistered.ý by the Rt. Rev. Fr'ank A. McElwain ' bisbop o! Minnesota, who, will also preach the serm on. A special request for cars to furnish t ransportation for the choir is herehy. sent out. Those ýwho cani be o! assistance are. asked to get in , touch with Mr., Sterling by F'riday. evening. The Dolla.y Da-y sale is' to be held Tuesday, Decembér 6, in. the newlydec- oralud P,arish. House, bv the Wqiihen's Associàted Gilds -at wh4e4 tiame .mny and varied items suitable for Christ- mas gifts are offered. for sale. Inquiries shou]d be directed t r~R.C. Jen- nings or Mrs: L. C. DouglasS. Sunday, being the first o! the month, is the day set for the Corporate Co-- mnunion of the Boys' and Girls' Corn- munion leagues. Air are expected to be present at either the 8 or Il o'ciock services. next Sunday mornlng. is 'as flOs Frelude-"Largo" froim New World .Symn- phony..............,........ Dvorak Anthem-The Heavens Resound... ... ... .. . .. ... .. ...1 ... Beethoveni Sýolo-Lord God of Abraham ........ Ernèst Sehaper Postlude-Fantasia....... 1.......Mzart Vic oria McLeocl - Minîstry cf Music The Wornan's society will have its annual Christmas party' on Thursday aft-' ernoon, cf this week at 2. o'clock. This hsa enefît narty for the Childref's Re- Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, De. çeber 4, will be "Two Mites." The church service is at Il o'ciock. The music for the .church service will be as folIows: Organ Prelude- ]Prayer........... ...... ....Bollman Choral, Prelude--r O Savior of the Ileatheri, Corne.,Bach- Anthem- Sanctus .................... Gounod Off ertory- Air for the G String...........ach Solo- Not a Sparrow Falleth . .. Franz ýAbt Mr. Gatherer The Women's gtiild mdlii. meet Mon- day morniflg, December. 5, at 10 o'clock. The work of the. guild is for the benefit of good causes in which the, women of the church >and the community are in, terested. Ail wornenlof Kenilworth flot otherwise engaged on Mondays are in- vited to corne in for as rnuch time as they can spend. Luncheon Nwill be served at 12:30. The hostesses are Mrs. Gil- ,bert Kelly, Chaîrman, , Miss Caroline H4arris, Miss Margaret Harris,. M rs. Guy Ltteli,. Mrs. dGraint Ridgway and Mrs. Charles Ware. A cordial invitation is (etend'd to lb ose not attend ing church elsewhere to corne and worship with us. This 15 a union church. Its inembership includes people fromn various denominatiofis. It proclaimfs the essential truths of the Christian fath. It desres to provde for the commun ity the service o! wors;hiP',. religious education and social, fellowship. It welcomes the co-operation f !ail peo- ple of good \vill who wish to prompte the welfare of the neighborhood, the realization of effective methods o! phil- anthropy, and the extension o! the Gos- pel into ail the world. St. Johmn's Lutheran Wilmette and Par'k avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor Services 9:5 a.mi.-First service. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school and Bible class. 10:40 a.m.-Prepara tory service for Hoiy Communion. 10:55 a.m.-Sunday sc.qool class for chu.- dren o! three to five years. 11:00 a.m.-Secorid service; Rev. Alvaro Carne of the. Phillopines. 8 p.r.-Evening service. Guilmnant wus C . -D7 - Â-rîri in snoui wl, ---'-e-- stratiofl. ing Through Italy." e ant "The Birth of Christ," and thei'e Ladies' Aid society. today, 2 pm, KAPA P PH Aricls fr te -will be songs and recitations b3' the Open house. today. 8 to il p.-n. KPAPPHArilsfrteChristmas Box for a chîlciren of the Prlmary andi Begnners' JuirWlh Lau.Fiy,8pm The high acho@1 Young people wlll join minister andl family near Little Rock.,earmfJs undo a thrsehoisaff, Frday, 8 p.m. the other local church groups this Sgn- Ark., are belng sent thls week. Phonedate ntChîluden's Chrilstanf, edaion8c sses day at the Methodist church to hear Mrs. F. B.. Colins, Wilniette 981, for ëwè wm have two seri4iees of.worship Saturday, 9:30 a.mn.; Wednesday, 4 p.m. Dr. Sbsrw'ood Eddy. T'he meeting wil details. on. Christmas Day. The -earlY gervice mat Adult catechumen classes, Monday, 7:30 bgia' nt 4. o'clock. 'Volowiîng the is peak 6'30 a.m. and the second. servipé atad 9:30 p.m. or gnàorzg people will corne to the The Christmasl services in this. churchilam * Church counici, Tuesday, 8 p. m cogegtoal, chirdh wh«ee membeFs wi11, be as foflows: k

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