were given crmicTes The awards, as announced by Su- perintendent Matthew P. Gaffney are as follows: Ser4or Football Manager Ralph Hillner.' Junior Football: Managers, Tom. Ellis, Jim Wilson,, Steve Walker, ByiSauer. Frosh-Soph Football Letters: Lee Mitchell. co-captain; Ray Ambler,.Texc Bryan, Bob Canning. Buzzy Cônnor.' Phil peBerard, *Grant .Ellis, Scholle Fleming, Howard* Fager, Ameijo Fragassi.:Allen Gilbert, Trom Hough, Ev- erett Kennedy, Sandy MacLeish, Bob Meyers,, Pernod: Miller, Michael Mon- tonaro, Bill Munsoni, William, Peterson,' Dick Prins, George Randaîl, Bill Riley,' Bill Sittig, Jimn Warfield, George Wes- colt. Certificates: Curt Brown, captain; Dex- ter BenSOn. Varsity Football Letters: Dick Andrews, Art Boynton, i BillBrown ', John Clark, King Dowse,j Logan Higginbottomn, Bob Howell, Gor- don Laughead, Leo McShane, Lawrence Miller, Jolhn Miskell, Bud Stilimar', Paul Sullivan, Bud Younglove. Minor letters: John Blun, Jack Bonner, Kim Brown ,Norrnan E-vans- &arvin Harmns. Melvin Kahn, Hoyt Lvingston, Donald Meier, Robert Moss, Hurd Mac- Queene, John Seeley, George Simon; Bob Schenk. Certificates: Jim McFadzean, co-cap- tain; Dick Reynolds, co-captain: Tom Carney, Jack Davis, Jim DeNvev. Dick Durr, Bob Gockel, Ted Harris, Howard Hinrichis, Bob Landon, John Powvell, Bob Scheibel. George Terzakes. "M.Scrooge" Be Staged Thi WilI ÂS Week and 1 Dreft Box-top SIZE) Puppet Master Burr Tillstrom of Chicago will briiig.his finger pup petg, known as Kutkia and, comnpanv téo-the. Girls' club bazaar, at New Trier. Township High. schoo1 on Satur- daV. Decenber 10. Eïr ls Club Arranges Bazaar for Dec. lOth; Puppets to Be Feature, The New Trier }ligh school Girls' club will present its biennial ba- zaar, Saturday, December 10. The bazaar will begin at 9. a.m., and close at il p.m. The bakery booth will have for saLe strictly horpe-macle delicacies. HERE ARE 2 actual size picture of the 4 e01uigsvetypicahIyMeKicande5siV2Sidd in~ the 11 decal transfers shown on the leit. They're all the rage now-anid ahnot as Watoapply as a I O'clock. ie Kukia and company." Burr Till- The title is'derived from the tu srmamegppptedecie of the principal character who is a, stromaiyn puppet erlaasdeviter grouchy, riel man, etrli. aýnimal, vegetable, nor minral- against the world and ils enht-l i Iii upeKka a ete inai-just a thing-a fellow. Mr. Tillstrom atits. But on Christmas Eve t.he has been seen by many at the Ocon- elderly hero experiences a series omowoc summer theater. Hlis pup- O~dreams, and on the -llwil ~Kka was namnçd by Tamara rnoernrniig his acquaintances see in- 1 pt uànv fte altRSe stead of the old Mr. Serooge, a new, l Kukla means *'puppet" in Russian, lov,,able, philanthropie gentleman. PoI haid rek tegrle- '1-Dhth Stanwood and Miss plained. Introduce You to DREFT. .. Grea test Fine. Suds Improvement in 1,000 Years! * Here's one of those "ýonce-in-a- blue-moon" off ers! il magnificently colored Mexican decal transfers ini 4 exclusive designs-at the incred- ibly low price of 10c and 1 Dreft, box-top (any size)! Dleorate vour kitchen, nursery or fabric ises a l>ighfer, long life for ail your fine washables. We want you to dis- cover these 3, advantages of washing with Dreft thal not even the .finest soa> flakes can offel!: 1. COUPLETELY NON-AUMAINE SUDS -. -fising you maximum protactiék Valer and JiM Wilson jstànt football mnanag- w Trier Townlship High uriflg thë past seaso1n. ýoto by 'Woodii Wilson; *! If addit joiil setS a i rI i --- -( ------- -- Steve ive?e.,as .ers ai N Sch~o.l