Sailing toward the cheery Warrnth of' tropical cJimes is a winter inter- A meia Express Companzy wood several hours- will be spent lude that is keenly anticipated by Outlines Expeditions visiting such rnovie studios as those * rany. Less than a week away from "of Fox Movietône, M-G-M, H~al the dreary winter season of. the The tour season to California this Roach, Charlie Chaplin and Warner workaday world ýwe live in, lie lands year is one jump ahead of both w rterad ntniesl iy wih ewsihtnew thrills te n hita.Fu asb-lunch i.s sched.uled at the Studio Inn, steeped favrit eatin places ofr aovi .starss.Purdas àind àdventure th't speli. "p-I-e-a-s- fore lthe officiai1 opening of. winte.r fvrt aigpaeo oi.t u-r-e" to the tve-ndd. These and a week in -advance éf. Christmas addrcos are the ,countries of the Caribbean- itself, the American Express Travel Jaunt Into, Mexico * adventure -counotrieS ail, and tourist service willget under way i ,ts win- In order to viewthe Pacýific,. the- MeýccaS through the v.irtue of, their ter vacation tours there, fe.aturing parties will followi the coast line to beauty, gayety, antiquity and.foreign old Santa Fe, the. Grand* Canyon, San 'Diego, where extensive sight- custôms. Carlsbad, Caverns, *New Orleans seeing is plagnned. One exicursion. Pana-ma Ts Crossroadsý and Hot Springs as well as the Cali- will take .travelers- through orange Panmaan te ret anlonfornia stay. grvsto the Mexican border and]I th rga fteGetWhite Eight tours of eiïghteçn days are on to TiaJuana and Agua Caliente, Elcet~~~~~~~~ Wite Cuss.hsbeca-inudd in the series, the first stàrt- renowned placesof prohibition days. c th WitCr sso thee Worl. ing December 18 and others leaving A highight of th e return tr p wîl Thssraehas been given to this every two weeks until :Màrch 26. be the visit to Carlsbad,Caverns, cxOtiC land by' tourists who hav Esor, truh, th torslave imestonè formiations- so stupendou minle wth tste.nflghodeofboth New, York and Chicago and thtte ae not yet 1been com-. int.ermingled population. Saunteringi may.:easily be joined 'fromn other pletely, explored. After a day in through the crooked, co)bblcd streets 1Eastern and Midwestern cities. They New Orleans. where the program in- ()f panama City, one secs faces upon feature first cla hotel accommoda- cludes visits to the. Vieux Carre or \vhch as ee egravy the, path tions, comiprehe.--,'e sightseeing by old French quarter, the residentialI (f world history and intrigue. Hereýmdr moo coache and fi sections, th~e dcsprsadmn a ,Russiani; there a Mýohar»medan.. class rail and pullman transporta-,uments of the cityý, the tour parties ()ver there a chatteriflg g.roup of tion. The Santa Fe, the San Diegoiwill.spend a* day and a hall at Hot. naiv pon-virtually ai never-end- &, Aizona Eastern, the Southern Spings, Arkansas, returning to Chi- mgjiv steamof acifie , the Missouri Pacific and the cago on the eighteenth day of the withhs w peculliar and differerit Alton railroads will be uised. itrip. Visit Indian Country matcim.The tour parties will first visit REOIGW K interestiflg Bazaars SnaFadtebert of the New HMCMN IE As is expected, where there are so MVexico Indian country. After a!Assigi ln for the fifteenth-ý 11uflY different nationalities. theredrive. to the histonical buildings of annual Homecoming week celebra- arc shoips and 'bazaars which #effet- 1 Santa Fe. whîch are amorig the old- tion at the University of Southern - f each 1 est in Amrneica. the pat will iiiotor Califôtrnia, Noveber 28 to Decerni-, b1ankets, and PotterY NLiyan design are for sale and bar- the Grand Canyon. the parties ffrst t .er at incredibly Iow prices. To the inspecting the great rnile-deep can-ý traveler who is interested in acquir- yon itself, then motoring along its ing pieces representatîve of. rany rim, drivig through the Tusayan countries, Panama City offers the National Forest and stoppiflg ai the mosi com-plete market of the West- Watch 1Tower at Desert View vforý cmn Hemisphere. Oriental perfurmes, nmore splendid panoram-as. hani-d-Wvorked je\welry,' hand-wovCfl In Los Angeles and Holl,,,wood, cloths, and mnany other articles of thrèe days will be spent so that interest. are* displayed in the quaint travelers will have ample lime fQr shops of cosmopolitan Panarna City seeing the great miovie.stuldios, výoy- andi Colon.. agin~g t Catalina Island and viewýing t-1~he sights of the two cities. The. thrills, gaYety, anà the most excit- ing'tnip of the seasofl. Thère are cruises tim4ed to fit the requiremnents of ail-and each in ils owiiight iS travel perfection of the highest order. Best clientie . .. Bookiet CLEMENT KENNEDY SçRé«.. NEW OCtAN HOU$£ I SWMPSOP.MASIACUSITI Paitronize Our Adver for thle varied prograii' planneIIa DY 1* the alumni and student commitees. i The week of reùnions under the gen- eral chairmanship of Dr. Edward M. Pallelte, '98, will be climaxed by.i the S. C. -Notre Dame football garne December 3. in the Los Angeles Col-, Iseurn.. ..~ -a . a s s s s s p