Luncrleon and rrogram thle probtËn. . - -~ S Spe. ds Leâve.Her Tý, le a:2 ; r.. z:- . . - '*-,-,,ni- . -ora:tt:e.. . he mozc narn;e br:6.e .- perience-d ho~sw~.a r. able to frd s:t-at..e ~:c tht tale:Cakez i-72 c.±..c:- fecake znd .ece. ý-n treF in cst crade p.An. - ,- - -....... ~ - nêr n:±er. -andty'her r~Ž~ v. ~ - .. ----- - ~~---' -r- ~ *arr.e~ twXh Hrme>adGre ~ehe..d a C:IY'c~ .rdy d1scber .s t r 4 Ln - - - r- .- .JI Episcopat Bc-e;,eToday * iftsand Foods TI r) ln g- p 1a ri < 4 Chr~t al ti- ofSt. AuguistirÀeý 'hur h near at bhnd. ýNcex Tue-sdlav aerninf. Decerr.ber Gf. in. the Pa zi -.h House. this p e - eari offering of gifts will be PrcsE er:-(À. Mirs. R. C. Jrcnnirigs, prc-zi4ric-n: --c GujId: i]Yas ilouc~ ~a -, -w't i a-fU Prepar - -. he C h Misionnot beer .4 ; 2ufcera is but mcIt ~na S; Au re The Parish - eg:v.eni by Mrs. given th( 7, *elt vated t] - .~a: -~- youigp rmes g 1 b se r rr. -nc-c Lrations for this ev en ae n limited to the guilds o.v [de other groups ihrth who have %hO1e-heared.' ieir support and c-pr~ irih Htoue lhs beý renrý- hrough the e 5t c people and ýhe oraM- rou. vh , a. u laid~ .rak' g:ve. Ms. I..C ..D-ugl-z.... chairr-an of-;heccnr.;e rh 7- gé, f u ren r c f rr:~ 'u - - - - .- - - -ý ýCarj .l*C strsus Ben - organza n ad r ShDe à !Meungrr.:s: abc, asm:e.-7 ka. -wbcý. asa"s anf r.7,is :rair =rn. hs une daýY -'ncarg As the sýoaet ùe-n.s a ia1 rne=zbers are Lasked rh av E: ie- eDulbaDa a une empke L. B. Hu.,uenor. MRs. E Murs. Grdon Wisn Can a Christmas sale 'e c: ,ithui a table cf dkus~.s the guilds asks. An ~.n. has spurred on effort ;ý hav a unusutallb, large anT aie ei ~. of things ta. eat. Th:.S tabDe der the direcIon anfM-\rs. S. B. Haley The entire comm=un2 t' is loln iorward we Decemnber 5.- as a dE«y ofl great tnteres't and *acttvilty.Sis- tezrbood sewing wl be suspetnded in, orôer to concentrte ai effOrts On raalr of 4* ~ae~ HbMse. «- t the )s photo. to lie r p a r e n ts , ir i vil -s it , a e teaj it jjOi-e <M Ne\\, V ears day. The debutante is just home- this week from a trip to, Ne\\ Yori, whereý she spenit Tliitksgi\iig isiting friends. Wl 1, NtFT T E*.L E. mondasy b.y Wb.vm Prob4lm of iF You coouI nty Cook" wif seAp..e Helps Pian Dinner. Dance for Misericordia