123. Meirose Avenue, Chicago Lgtos for the Blind 233West Cermak RoadChcg Direct Gils Club Bazaar Stiideiits who are in: charge of the bazaar to be held by the Girls' club of New. Trier Townsh.ip HiglisehooZ on Saturday, Decem ber ý10 are sholvin in'the photograph above, takeén by John Roth. Front row. Pa tty Harshawý chair - man of 'the club's financial commit- Shawnee's Swim mers tee, Jane. Records, chairman, of theB a employment comymittec;: and Francus.B a Lake Shore by Shiper, reasrer.36 to 30 Last SaturdayV Second row: Mary Macalister. cluIlJ Shawnee Country club swirmmers scetary: Jane Druckrsoc1ial crn- rely ncsed out their opponents. mittee chairman; Betty Bonnet, viceq the Lake Shore Athletic club of Chi- president; and Joanne FAsenthal,. ca go, in a closely contested mneet. publicity committee.chairman. a t teSanep nStra Latrow: Louise Yates. charity afternoon, 36 to 30. coUi1ttete Cliail IIUflL.iiyuaci lor, club presi dent; Margery Bell-ows. arrangements committee chairman:; and< Joan Gerwve, chairmani of the friendly committee. A capacity crowd watched the ,Lake Shore speedsters try to crowd out the Shaw,ýnee swimmers with the final event deciding the meet. Lois Wenzel and Frankie Rose battled it out in the hundred yard A os Acetable Gift! PesinOriental- Rugs. Scatter Sile 4x2.6$15 A Christmas gi'ft value of great importance for these rugs have neyer before sold for less than $25. And aglgrioius variety of modern and semi-antique rugs from small mats to palace carpets' . au l4pdt t rgit-givtflg. '&NORTH SHORE'!$ LANGEST DEALERS IN ORIENTAL RUGS" S. K. JORJORIAN & CO* 607 Davis Street, Evanston GreeaIeof 0700 Winnetka 672 H-ealtn. wîpresent le1Ic1tre atO p.m.. Tuesday, in the Alladin room of the Orrington hotel, Evanston. Public and parochial school teach- ers and nurses on the North Shore hav.e been invited to hear this ad- drs.While Dr. Deatherage's taIk is' intended particularly for teachers and nurses. the public aIso is- in- vited. Dr. Deatherage is appearing under 'Iule of the North Suburban CLaMont Bàbarara Rçamswer, and ou Kraftthefer won for Shawnee b y inches. In the rnedley, with points six and three , Betty Bowman swam backstroke, Lois breaststroke, and Polly crawl to win the meet for Shawnee. Diving Honors Barbara Ramswer and Virginia Fitzgerald upheld the, diving honors on both high and low boards. , Mr.andi iyrs. 15. -ve. .n I J i STREEI