Phone BEN. iRICKSON Erlcksons Wilmnette 4092 j0eiIvered lie.Cold .BEVERACGES AU. FLAVORS Saturday and Sunday Special BRICK Phtone WiImtte 5353 WILMETTE CONFUCTION-ERY Just slie has e ve r had ini her pre- vious four pic- eight changes of costume in theý picture. which' *.goes into pro- duction soon, .with Henry Kos- . wil1 be the first evening9 dress Deanna Durbin Denahsvr worn on the screen. It îs. being designated by, Vera -West, Universal style ,expert and head of the studio's feminine wardrobe department. fSuitcase Coiff r , , 1Invented for Film While controversy rages over whether hair should be brushed up or down, at least one thlng has been proved in favor of the long bob- it has a practical use as a "suitcase coiffure." Tro Director William Clemens goes credit for the discovery. Ini a scene for "Nancy Drew, Reporter," Bon- itn Granvile and rrankie Thomas The matron confiscates Frai ',Ie' s egmera but really takes the camera case. in which Bonita he-i placed a, block of wood. Bonita was ta smug- gle the camera in somehow or other, cQncealing it from the mi a t r o n. Clemens finally thoughtW o! Bonita's bob. "That's the place for it!" he saiçi. *The smal.l candid camera was - astened under .Bonita's hair at the 1nape of her neck and smuggled in past the jail matron. - He's Surn(s)inq! Bob Burns, drawling re-incar- nation of WIil Rogers, caps his film career with- a surprise hit, "The Arkcansas Traveler," open- ing Friday at the Norshore. the - ater. As a home-s pun philosopher uo,(ming LU '.JjJVI. 4 J. The Mask and Wig Club of the University o! Penrisylvania will pre- sent its 5lst arinual production, "-Al Around the Town," at the Chicago Civic Opera House Wednesdaiy. De- cember 28., [the b er 2, and contifluiflg every Tuesaay and Friday thereafter, women pat- rons of the Valencia theater, in Evanston, purchasing evening tick- ets, wilI automa.tically become menim- bers of that theater's book. club, thereby being eligible to, receive Copies of the most modern literary successes, which will be given to rnembers by the m anagement. In. conj.unction with Doubl >eday- Doran, publishers, and, the literary guild1 of .Amnerica , the, Valencia theater.has made this offer toalal of its regularIpatrons. N umbered cou- pon ýbooks will be, given to every lady patron on cither of these two days of theWéek, 'it.being neces sary to presen t two consecutively nurn- bered books to the attendant in the lobby of the theater in ordèr to re- c 1eive a handSomelY boun d copy cef a modemn best-seller, selection o!ý whjch will be left to the individual froni the large display that -will be. offed. The pick o! the current and new- est literary hits will be încluded in the collection. Director Honored by National Lens Group. Harold Schuster, young director of'. 1Universal's "Swing That Cheer*" and "Expo.sed," has 'accepted a bid for color pictur'e nci Annabella's iurs .Engish-speaking feature, is the sc ond Hollywood figure ta receive the honor. Gregg Toland, cameraman,. s the only other honorary member. Dick Powell, a Hollywood star for six years, has been - nside the. gates of only two major studios. [~1iI~1U i. stays -aro~ -e on me degrees. 1-1 se "'$,tQp