NO "WarEe Al U M 1-NUM "Wear-Ever" uterIs, ilways practical, awayS welconc, are now srnartly boxtd foir gift-giîving' occasions: for showers, weddîigs. hastoess gifts, bridge priebrhdastTnd hrsmc Since "Wear.Ever" Al .n&um !ýaStS a in lsts: your thoughtful selectirn wi]l bc rememnbered long after other cesual gifts have bten forgouten. ..E- E4.R I~1 I *~ $195 ing the Polish ,drama, "Ii' l ean HaY," which tells the story of, a dramatiC Christmnas Eve in Poland wvith the mrarket. place filled ,vith booths of Christmas toys and the townspeoPle gathered to sueea pup)et. show depictilg. the birth of, Christ. The climnax of the play is, reached when. the littie Polîsh children dis- cover a n ew born babe in a man- ger and, re.minded of the birth of the' ChrIst Child, give- al the money earned from.their puppet .show % uî the ýchild and hîs parents. Between scenes, children of nr-- MIaryj MacaI,îster ýof l.mette. srycho d kindergarten age a- .eTtrù ~the Girl club at the Dernonstration, school wvïl1 pre- N ewxT ri er7' g h SCOO1. is tak- sent an anirnated toy shop scene with .active paru nte irna the youngsters dressed as dolls of tizar be staged itext Satur- rnn ationzilities tha t corne t(. li fe .1aY at the schoiril' t(o aise no.?ey addnc nChristmas Eve. tihe c! qVs scihOlarsiî p filndc. ~2 ti grls~ ~ CO?1W~ Aronçi the ehildren playinc, ]ead- ~kgzbîrs!îres BrîiePhto Jackman, 2430 \Marc-,'avenue. Ev- anstoin; James WaIkins, 7840 Ken- T ardvSide-,%-k Fixers Fnelh avenue. Niles Center: Bill Hef- W iiFae roectinmette-, Hugo Dalrnai ',-935 Edgemrer VilagePr4Žect~rEdvînA. Rojb- court. Evanuston; JasoIn Whitnuv. jà sr.n vas~m-rucedby the Village 2î67 Euelid Park place,, Evanston:, brird uesav igh tr case ar-Joe Saloman. 484 Elder lane. , il wo(-rth; and Betty Cunliff. HuLiris r rants tri bc- sue. nd w proc(jeed road, Glenview., vwith the~ prosecution (f villagers hearorpa,,(- Icie sd(r efuIsedingPupils Raise NMoneyFo their propterti(-s.,.hich have reached Sport in Doughinut, Sale such criditj(in as to be dangerous. tapdetins twas stated .thYat A substantial sum %vas raised 1by* Vthe V7illage -wr.(-uld be lhable the girls in the athletic departnient P E RKS Finest Alumninurn co ffee makers available-a deliciour, brew every time. DRIP COFFEE POT CUP 8 cup T 2 75 IF(- those who Iprefer drip coffee, this is a In1 Ine rec pritec WINS NUNMERALS Freshrnan Coaclh Jimmy Paterson has announced the nares of twenty- six freshman football men wvho were eligible for numerals at Wabash col- lege. Among those rnamed is Verne Brr)wýn..823 Fiftee-nlh street. Wilmette, Brown is a sophomore at Wabash, transferring there frorn Northwý,est- wýasito establish. a func1 to carry, on sp)ecal ac tivities in the athietie de- partment. Directing the sale wîts Mrs. H. A. Fanckboner, physical training teacher a the Howari.d, 8chool. BOARD IMEETING The regular ]nonthly meeting of the Board of Education wvill be held in the school office. 738 Tenth street, Tuesdav evening. Decem- The flib Science 1 WiI. 3060 ýn Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and, al cher authorized Christian ýrature rnay be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. TH~E PUBLIC 18 COkDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TH~E CIiURCHi SERVICE AND VSIT THE' READING ROOM, 1219' j. 'Baraor Worker