Mrs. HL. J. Hickey Mathuw FrallOis Photo cago public schools, and a lecturer in psychology at Loyola university. She is a graduate of Loyola university, has been a resident of Wilrnette for a number of years, and is a rnem- Ernest Martin Photo Soloi Bertil Hlner, 855 Spruce street, Winnetka, has- been. seUŽcted to appear with the American C 'on- cert orchestra on the federal mu- Sic pro ject's Youn-g Artists Series-- Friday evening, December 16, at 8:15. o'clock, in Îhe f ederal muùsic concert hall, 632 North Dearborn street, Chica go. Hilner,, a bari- tone, is soloist at Christ Episcopal churc4, Winnetka. AWAY FOR IIQLIDAYS Mrs. James G. 13adger, 801 For- est avenue, and her two sons, Jim and Frank, are leaving Decemnber 17, for Biloxi, Miss., to visit Mrs. Badger's mother, Mrs. D. E. Blod- gett, until after Christmas. They will motor down, Mr. Badger going later by train and joining thein in time for. the holiday. They ail plan H.ormel' s 12-oz. caný PIG. AM S. Fresh Shoulder. 5. to, PALACE The. Finest of A SIRLOIN STEAK . .. . I ROUND STEAK STEAK'SPECIALS Tender and Juicy,,Prime Beef SIRoiN or ON b ChIRoie or OUD2..b. PORTEBO35c lb............... ...... LEG o£, LAMB* Cut from the finest quality f W spring lamb. Tender, deicate flavored. 8 to 9'lbs. BABY LEG 0OF average ....... lb.2 ç LAME. ..ib. 29ç' LAMBEROA.ST. :Bo.eless, Roi.led . ....... . .. .. 2 c PORK LOIN ROAST L Cut from young tender corn-fed porkers. Choice stock. Loin avg.?2 kto 3 poûrids.................... lb PORK ROAST1 4 Boneess oHed ........ ....> 4 7 lbs._ avg .................... lb.I54 STEAKS Mrs. Raymond Real, program chairman, has arranged an irtrigu- ing entertainmerit in the form of a "Get Acquainted" meeting, for the new rnembers. Songs of the .yuIe tid e vll be sung and amusing games, appropriate for the Christmas season u111 be played. Mothers of the sixth grade children wil, assist Mrs. Nolan as' co-hostes- ses. Mrs. Louis Beauvais, social Tlxey plan to spenc trhe remnaincer of the winter, probably until March. at the San Marcos hotel iocatQd, there. Sisters of 'Providence at2 the. Sisters' convent from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Hickey, chairman of tI extends a cordial nvi the women of the Parisl will be held. December 22, . *Matthew J. he reception., neet, ten er .. .. . . .. w b. lb . avg 2 9 1 HEAD 0F CABBAGE FIED IL PORK end STEAKS., Bone- less.. lb. 1BEEF TEND Bone- VEAL j MOCK CHICKEN LEGS Feh..ea. IOC 39eCHPSE AT FrshCulb. 29c METTES SHORT RIES BEEF. and very iuve', j uuz. 5C - GOLO WII4NER FlACHES. Flnest quallty. No. 214 can ..............................c