Exquisite Chinese Handkerchiefs. 35e Valies 25e N T he se Koblkerchlefr have been brought from across 3 ctontinents. Eu- rope where the fiax was igrown and woven, Asla where nimble-fingered Chinese women worked exquislte embroidery, thencetG fôrfthAmer- ica for sale to the wom- en of the United States. Appenzell Types M os ai c patterns, haud drawn thread, hand spoked, hand rolieçi, hand appliqued and hand em- broidered. AUl white pure Irish linen, color on white, pastels and street shades. W2 Ladies'. Curved EgWWitteh Ii rolled gold plate wi l iInk bracelet. 17 jewel ...................... Men's ani Womeu's Rolled Gold Plate Watch With stainlesà steel baek. Cord 'or leather band ..................... .45 E z i I i i = = = E i = Sam pi. Pluces on Dis>1ay 1) Man's Wrist Wateh In solidi gold, 17 jewels. Stainless steel back.......... = I - I E FV.ANýSTON t. = i i $9.95 A ýPer8onal Gift SCARFS Monogrammed