pF'lht and1 the University chorus. HIerb~ert Hyde will be the organist andArthur Clark and Margaret Loomis will1 be accomipanis.ts,.« Among the ten stuident soloistÉ will b.e the following: - Miriamj Cousins, soprano, Evanston; Corinne Kerner, contralto, Chicago;' Frank Kratky, tenor, Chicago, and William Fischer, bass, Chicago. 'e oratorio Will be Part of the vesper serVice at the cathedral rather, than a concert," said Krone, "lthus restorin g the oratorio to' its original Place as a musical setting of a dramatic épisode from the Bible." There will be nô admission charge, and the service is> open to the public. Creative Writers to Hoid Open Meeting An open meeting of. Rowena Bas- tin Bennett's creative writirjg group will be held on Thtirsday morning, Decemnber 15, at 10 o'clock at the Highland Park Y.W.C.A., 374 Laurel avenue. Members of the class, which includes thosé who write for a hobby from several North Shore suburbs, will read the best termn manuscripts. The program will in- clude.verse, stories, sketches, radio programs; children's features, and even original' popular songa wilI be sung. The prograrn will begin promptly at 10 and close at 12 o'clock. A before-Christmas project which the creative writing group is pronmot- ing for the benefit of the V.W.C.A. education departmeflt is securingi orders for autographed gift copies ,of their instructor's books .of poems *"'Around the Toadstool Table" and "Songs front around the Toadst oôl * Table." Since Mrs. Bennett is poetry' editor of "Children's Activ- ities," tis magazine. is also on the * gift list.. Mrs. Marvin Harms, 925 be the subject at the ser First Church of Christ, Sci, Wilmette, held at 11 o'cloc] rnorning in the: edifice at1 tral avenue. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. DAI' Art teacher Art classes at the .Winnelka Community 1House free to ch!l- dren are, being,,organized b Lionel Geib, under the auspices of the Works Pro gress adminis- tration.. The -children are to supply 'their own materials for painting or model- ing and this will bé the only expense to be met by the pupils it was ex- plained. Classes in painting, drawing, and modeling wlll be held three days a week, every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoon from 3:45 to 5:.45 o'clock. Children may choose the day or days most çonvenient, it was added.. Registration days are Thursday and Friday from 4 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at Room 107, Community House. North~ Shore Club Gets Nat'l Amateur Tourney. The - 1939 national amnateur golf tournamnent wîll be held September 11-16 at the North Shore Country club, Glenview, the United States Golf association announced this week. -The last major tournarneft ati reston Noi.tibU .............. ý GUN ..... i............q rO KIT, $10.70 value... , 8 value ..... .... ens, with case............ 9.iens................... f 2.9 lens, with. case. .. ,,,6mrm.,f1,. lenis... pl Open Every Eveaing iIChims Women' 0s Genne Lamb's, Wool Lîsed Gabardine Ski, Suits Smart 3-piece outfits for oiitér sports. Zjp-ý PeI7 and button 'styles, fur-trimmed $ hoods. White, Blue Mairoon. L . Hud'son,,Bay Coats Women's' genuine- Hudson Bay coats, three- quarter length, coxuplete wëth $ hood .................... ...1. SPORTS WEAR FOR MEN & CHILDREN Ifugers,- L askin LambMittenss fland.Knitted Vests Dl A P~ARDDLI,££5A~ BAlLE'VS, INC Open. Saturdas Eveiigs Until 9 O'clock 710 Church St., Evanston Payments made on or EARN- 'tered and Supervised under the Uneied 115 Wlmtte Avenue I Saturday, and Jto Il, 1States Coveroîment lepisome WiIm.t$. 1623 Tell