Phi Mu Gamma are .observinÉ this birthday by staging radio programs, lecture programs, .and. demonstra- tions of the, arts in ail forms. Former N. S. Man IS GivenNational Note An article ini, the JanUary "Popular Science" magazine: concerns a for- mer. Hubbard Woods mnan. FakWyle basrecently gained reco gnition. in, the mechanical world through bis work with and use of, apparatus for' stop-moýtion pjhotogra- phy by which he bas succeeded in taking pictures atspeeds maàny faster than any camera shuitter can invented oy ±-rQessor rltlru t gerton. This device, bas become the newest aid of science in solving tech- nicai problems, in industrial plants. WILL, HEAR YA LE MAX -The Nurture: of Personality". is the subject on which Dr. John C. Schroeder, you.g, professor rom Yae, wll address the Chicago Sun-, day Evening' club. this Sunday in Orchestra Hall. Knhown in the East, as a teacher,.preacher and writer of distinction, this will be his first ap-, pearance before a, Chicago gather- ing.. He is the. seventh new, speaker this sea son to be introduced -to the Sunday Evening Club audience by Clifford W. Barnes, president. be that spread forth the eartfl, and that which comieth out of it; he that givethbr-eath unto the people upon it, and- spirit- to themn- that wal.k therein: I arn the Lord: that is rny narne:ad my glory will I,>not give to.. another, neither my. praise to graven images" (Isaiah 42:5, 8). The Les soni-Sermon also included the passages, from, the Christian Science textbook,- "Science and Health w ith Key to the. Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker 'Eddy:, ".Theý starting-point 'of divine Science. is that -God, Spirit, As- AIl-n-ail,. and that there is, no other, might nor Mindl,-that God is* Love, and there- fore He- is divine Principle" (p.275). in a momient. And it's absolutil Sate and Hygienic 1 A strifly high quality, precision istrument. Strong, -WelL made, dependable. ýAlways ready. No blades, Doô parts to insert or adJuast..Notb- ing to get. out of order. Only 2 inçhes. lotit. Rofex Won@t Cet Flesh or Skis. D.o« Not NUl RE SAPE Don't take aùy chances by pulling or cuttlug with à scissors or blade. Get a ROTEX today. Neyer again be botbered with troubicuome ex. ceas hair. Sand only 82.50. Sent prepaid. Order a ROTEX today-'-the unque. ideal gift. NATIONAL SPICIALTIES (ROTEX DISTRIBUTORS) Patronize Our Advertiseràs GTTHIS SPECIAL WINTER GASOLINE FROM YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALèR