822 MÏicigen Ave",12+h y.ar SfihtT LOUl Iincsi In tbe CeStaoeof Tliag Rate. froua $3.00 4 FaPREMPe.turaata - M,0ýH G2rT ,e American boys and girls. For the I benefit of parents who are interest- ed in such schools for some..futtire * tmeIitsof .schools In England,' * France., Switzerland, Germany and Italy are available. Only the namhes of. schools which havé Indicated an iterest in. enroll- ing Americatiboys and girls w ill b e given. The lists have been.comffpiled by Porter, Sargent through the co- operation of the'International School Boy YFellowship and the Anmericari Scholarship- Scheme of the English Speaking union" jEditor's Note- marjorie McIean Learv, ithe consultant' of the- School. anal Camp Bureau maintained the-yea r- round by this news-magazine. Her advice :egarding camp and school matters 15. avài1able to our readers bY appointmnent nd at no obligation. r W1?NS VtOWrST AWA2fl Miss 'Marian E. Cox, daughter of Ben)arnin N. Cox. 1lle Elmwood ave- nue, Wilnette. recently., won first 1i prize in a subscription contest at h DePauw unversity by selling the largest nu.n-ber of magazine sub- 1V iscriptions on the campus. The con- test ,vas part of the inaugural drive ta launch the Boulder as t.he new lit- erry aazn ass u ti Alha J.7%1is heraryma a e t eauowAthsfa 1P La.d Del~~ta Qroitv. ed honors~ at the Northwestern uni- versity football dinner at the Steveris Miss .aLeAdarns. fa7nous actress of. a generatoi ago who turned' hotel last Saturday night. Jack down a rnovie career to continue lier work as director.'of the draina ..Oleary. senior tackle, was 'awarded departrnent of Ste phens college, Columbia, Mo., staged the first produc- a varsity letter and Bill Kearney lion of the school's theater season, -A lice ini Wonderla-nd." last iweek. received a freshman nurneral. Kear- - - - ney played quarterback on the fresh- Pictured at a last minute rehearsal! aetnS detWTI mani squad this fail. O'Leary, Who with 'Miss Adams are (standing) left CaltnSuet 2i is a senior. played tackle on the ýta right 'Margarita Thonisori, 1311 Begin Vacation Dec.16 varsity teamn for the past three Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, who' Arriving home from Carleton col- years, played the roie of "Ahlce'"' Jo Ann lege, Northfield, Minn., Fniday, De- Frank. 155 Lake View Terrace, cember 16, will be the following 1157 S.W*mS be» WW.77« daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josel W. Lechner, 1445 Lake avenue. VWse pres rN cnest, in the y, tract'- stored i hi is like- e. i