Rot for COLD FIGURES At the meeting held in Waukegan on No vem- ber 29, ta devise ways and means ta lend as- sistance to a m ovement to prevent the liquida- tion and possible -suspension, afi the* Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee electric, railway, Bernard J.. Failon, executive officer 'for the re- ceiver of the road, .presented some igraphic, fig- ures in explanation of. its deplorable financial condition. Among other things, Mr. Fafloni stated that the. cutting of. basic fares by the Initerstate Commerce c ommission had resultedi in so great a reduction of revenues that profitable operation is . flot only' impossible, . but that expenses can- not be met. TI support af this he pointed out that the road's revenue of-$7,967,000 ini 1928 -had dropped to $lAQ100 .Ix' 193L ,,w.i1e dtiring the same period the number of passengers car- ried was oin1y reduced from 10,300,000 to 8,215,- 000.' Operating costs, he added, had remalned the same. Mr. Faflon touched upon what is probably the sorest of the sore spots, not orily of the North Shore line, but af practically ail rail- roads. That is the competition afforded by superhighways paralleling the lines, built and maintained at taxpayers' expense. Over these rhiglhways travel not only pasBeflger automo- mendously adverse to ail business interests and ta real estate values. Just, what cari be done to help save the line bas flot been determined. But every North Shore resident can at least sign the petition naw beinig circulated asking the goverrment ta m-rake the road a loan of $3,000. - 000ý for iMmiediate train impýrovements' and tb tide over the present .crisis. SPECIALIZED CHARITY .'f àaIl the. charities which North Shore vil- lagers are asked ta. support there is perhaps none so highly specialized as the discovery, prevenition and treatment of tuberculosis among underprivileged children and adults. The Very, nature of this, work calis for highly trained physician s and registered nur ses, the, direction of whose aCtivities mnust be constantly supe'rvised by experienceci and competent men and womnen who .restrict their life work ta the wàr agamnst this insidious disease which takes an annual toll of approxirnately 7.5,000 lives iti Am- erica aloetý The first weapon for use against the disease was the stethoscope, invented in 1819 by Dr, Rene TheophiIe Laennec, a French physician. The first hope that it might be conquered carne with the discovery af the tuberculosis gerrn by Dr. Robert Koch, a German physician, in 1882., The next step was taken when Dr. Edward Liv- ingston Trudeau, 'an American physician, hlm-. self a victim of the dreaa rnalady, ini 1885 e- tablished the first fresh air sanitarium for the treatment of, tuberculosis in the Uniited States. Only ten more shopping days 'til Christr a(S. And a f amfilij of five të please. 1 took out my pencil ind ae A memo for presents ta make, When I. happened ta notice the postrn«ni Corning in.,at the aid front gate. Oh, the piles of letters, that, poured ,i L, Upon that. Decemnber first. The bills for thisÇnd for that, thing Would iimake My poor hecirt ta burst State 'and village ve-hicle license And five drivers' licenses, tao. Winteroil, grease and general, tune-up. (That car is àa rank bu g-a-boa,) The coal bill alone wa7a. hearty, *stenough ta . buy a coal nimiue- Our> charity. *pied ge-ah, there's one, ihinp That savors !of Christmas divine. There's the, dental and physiéal check-up, A iid hospital insu rance -is due, Ail le gitirnate atid worthy endeavors. Buit uhut is left?-I. ask yan. Wù net ka. Christmas cheer? And howl - n., Irmer IJaladièr (though you don't pronounce it that way) of France, has a certain technique in handling strikes thatis- decidedly refreshingý allter 'experiencing the popular sit-down'variety in this country. Motorists xiii heartily applaud the action iof the state's attorney in prosecuting suburban -;.peed-trap conspirators and sending themn to jail. Traffic laws were not enacted for the sole purpose of enriching grafting officiais. highways costing n6,000,000, every dirne af which cornes from the taxpayers, while at. the samne tixue revenue is diverted from the railroads ta these unregulated carriers. it was further pointed out tkat while flot more than 25. per cent .of the, passeniger traffic be- tween Chicago and Milwaukee ride in automo.- biles, this lost revenue is sufficient ta prevent the improvernents in roadbed and service ta which the 75 per cent who depernd upon the rail- clerk in Denmark, who conceived the idça of ii brightly colored seal t . be sold and attached 1b ail Christmas lêtters and packages. His. idea was adopted i America in 1907. The Christmas seal sale is conducted in this country by the National ITiberculosis associa- tion, and in Cook county by its affiliate, the Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook coun- ty-, and'its seventeen Heaith Centers. In com- munities where there is no Heabth Center the' sale is conducted by mai or through thé schools., -roundt, propeileci by, Sc spot is indicated by 0. 1 ,en the mighty, etic. *Mussolini and Hitler, the world's greatesi public nuisan!.ces, seem ta be running à -grab teýrr.,Rory' race. 1l Duce helped the Fuehrer to get Czechosiovakia, now lie wants help ta -get ,sçme sizeable ,chunks of French territory,. re- Al1zing that. as Mat ters now stand he is holding ani ernpty bag. In the race lie appears ta be an -also ran," Ethiopia being a small haul cozpared with Austria and Czechoslovakia. It viii be interesting ta note Hitler's answer. meenir ~U.~wVL L. Accordlig to the evidence presented before a. Master in Qiancery, the North Shore ine is now operating at a loss of $25,000 a morith. How long can a public utiity, -or any other business concerri, keep going at that rate? That is,,the question which North Shore people must' call for speed and accuracy. During the Christ- mas mailing season these onerous duties are doubled and trebled. They cari be greatly les- sened if patrons wiil mail as early as possible, and early in the day. Give the postal ernployees a hand. Seventeen more be here. a dastardlîy conspiracy? days and Santa Claus. wil Tým PHiANTom RE-PORTER