Luncheon and Pro- gram December 12 The regular mnonthly meeting of thé Wilmnette League of Women Voters ivil .be held Monday.. Dew- cemher.12,.at the home of Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, 1010 Chestnut ave- .nue.~ The hour, is 1 o'clock. Res- ervatioris for. luncheon rnaybe made with Mrs. Charles P. Evans. Thé program. urider the: auspices of the government andà foreign policy7 commnrittee-, wil be a discussion by Professor Walter Laves of..the. ec- onomics department of the Univer- sity of Chicago concerning ',.The, Role. of the Ujnited States in International Affair." Theý talk will sumn up the study 'of the subjeet mdeby the department the past montti. Mrs. Walter Rubens of Highlan&. Park wll 9pea1k on the study made in her village on -Know Your Own Town" an introduction~ to a similar study to be made here soon. The foreign policy group, meeting Monday mornings, closed thei.r study of the high spots of -Czechoslovakia and Munich" this week, and intro- duced "Latin America and the United States," the subject to be presented at the.January meeting at the home of the chairman. M.ýrs. John Clark Baker, 347 Mapie avenue. Latin American Civilzation"; Mrs. Harry B. Johnson, "The Historical Backgrounid"; ý-Irs. A. D. Albee, "The Economie Backgrou~nd"; a.nd Mrs. F. W. Merrifield, "The Political Background." At the next meeting the*history of the relations between the United States and Latin Amnerica -%ill be. introduced by Mrs. Louis K. Gilison. She will speak on -EarIy Revolution- ary Ties anad the Monroe Doctrine"; 4 h.N 1 Mrs lit Garrison. r ga chairman of the Weman's guz!d'C o 'f the WiZ mette Con gregational church, is in charge of. arrange-- mients for the Christmas dimier. Party and entertainrnent to be given' for church members a??d their frien4s Friday evening o! next u'eek at 6-30 o'clock. The annual Christmas party of the North Shore Friends of Chic ago Junior school will be held at the home of Mrs. Porter~ Fox, 626 War- wick road ' Kenilwor th -Monday, De.- cember 19. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. A group of the boy-s from the school wil entertain. Each member and guest is in- 'vited to bring a gift to brighten Christmas for the boys, There will be sewing for the school in Junior School Series The fifth in the series of six book reviews sponsored by North Shore Friends of Chicago Junior school will be given Wednesday, Dece.m- ber 14. at 10 o'clock in the morning at Shawnee' Country club. MrÉ. Carl Johnsen, of Winnetka wj Il . review "Queéen Victoria's Daughter,"' by E. F. Benison. v.ell knowýn. for his. biozFaphi>es. f the royal farnily. This is' the last readinc in De- cemnber. .7There 'will be onemore readi ng in January.. Tickets may be obtained fromn >irs. ,Wlter Neilson.ý 397 Sunset road.Wnnta Infant W el f arle Center to,,M get. Monday, Dec. 12 The 1December meeting of the Wl mette center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago has been change-d from the regûlar third M-vonday of the month. to the second and wiIl be held on December 12, at 2 o'clock,. in the Wimette Woman's club. At this meeting a special collectioni for Followýing the custom oW the past several months, a program wiUl be given w,,hile the membe rs sew. At this meeting, Dick Hall, 1725 L.ake, a-venue, a junior at NÇew Trier High sçhool, vilfl playr a program ofpou lar plino music and wiIl introduce. his teacher, Mr. Rumimel of Rogers Park, who will also p±ay a few num- bers., Mr. Rumnmel was, in his stu- dent days, a protegé. ot Padierewsi, at iMorges, SwitzerIand, and later studied ,vith a friend of his. in Church to Have YuIe Dinner Party A gala annual Christmas clin-. ner party for members -of the Congregational chuirch will ,take place Fridiay evening, Decembei' 16, at 6:è30 o'clock. under: the sponsorship of th(ý Womaiin' s, "Santas ccanirlg to.>the party,' the commîttee, headed by Mrs. Elh Garrison, atitiounec's.Yuhflcr olers will wanider, among- the festive t ab le s, and th§- Christmaà story in rhymne and song wilIl be relatedi by "ayoungster and an. oldster.' - A red -star on the program will be a marionette show O~ven by -Miss. Mýargaret Paulsxn, who is one of the librarians ini the children's rooir of Wilmette Publie ibrary. Assisting ,with~ the performance of two litile plays. "A Chri'stinas" Story." and 'HnpyDrpy"will be Kenneth Crami and John Voss. . 'IThen," aiter the .show. ,"in with' the jingle of beils, w.111 corne Santa hîmself with a grab-bag full of toys. with som-ething funny. in his bag for everyone,- the a nnounc ement concludes. The dinner itself vwil.I be in chargvýý of the Cozy Corner circle, of which Mrs. Frank C. Huffmran is chair- man. Kenilworth League SFudy Groups Meet At the first meeting of the govern- ment and foreign policy study group ôf the Kenilworth League of Women Voters held November 28, at- the ho0me of Mrs. Harry Olin, 205 War- wick road, Kenilworth, Mrs. R. W. Buddington of Evanston gave a com- prehensive survey of the South American republics, fromn the time.of wdiEbe at ho Reading Oircle Meets friends on the 31, from 8 o'cl( The Reading circle will meet with of their twent Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 915 Linden ave- versary. Mr.z nue, at 1 o'clock Monday, December been residents 12. ty years. ýon Chaperons for the party wili bé nii- Mr. and Mts. James Ralph Starr, ve Mr. and Mrs. Clayton B. Burch, ýn Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Eflis, and Mr.- and Mrs. Harold F Tideman. Gives Reading Mrs. Freeland Stecker gave a read- ing,.Monday at a tea at the home of 1Mrs. Frank A. Randail, .912 Twelfth strèet. WILMETTE LIFE