Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1938, p. 52

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The Woman's Club of Wilmette has its next regular ail-day meet- ing ýWednesday, Decemnber 14, and on ýthat occasion wvill take place the annual philanthroPy food shower«.. The gifts received, Such. as money, or, staple articles, will be distributed through, the Wilirnette charities. The flrsthour of the morning ses- sion will, beý under the auspices of the philanthropy department,. Mrs. D., Porter Empfield chairman. This perîod will comprise a talk by Mrs. *Inez C. Bliss of the Wilmette He aith center on the subject, "Public Healtli Nursing Pertaining to Our Commun- *ity." Mrs. Bliss will answer quès- tions at the close of heta~tlk. *The civic s department will sponsor the program from 11:45 to 12:45. when Dr. Ray-E. Çheney, superin- tendent of schools, River Forest, wil speak on "Public Relations." Dr. Cheney, chairmari of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois Education as- sociation, has just completed a sur- *vey of the assessed valuation of Lake, Mrs. Robert Marley, at the le! t, is chtirman of the music departmen of the Woman's Club of Wilmette presenting, for- the club's Christmna program Wedresday afternoon, the Continental Singers, a sept et fron Chica go, whose iertiêre 1,i&tT! incMtd~e ariats Prôm ope'as~, dutts, qa tets, and ensemble singing of Christmas music. Ruby Spencer Lyon isi soprano ini the group which hczs appeared on coast-to..coast broadcasts c prorninent programS. Photo of Miss Lyion by Kohle, Christmas Is Theme for 'Cai+iolic Club to Give Baptist Society Meeting Card Party for Member "The Peace Bridge" is to be the The Wornan's Catholic Club in Musi.c and icture One -of the loveliest of the year's programs for the Neigh- bors of Kenilworth wlll be'that. on theafternoon of Decemfber .13, at the Kenilwo rth AsSembly hall., For .its_ own speicial Christmas celebration at 2:30,.the club will hear,,Stephen A. Haboush, a na- tieGalilean shepherd, who 'un- der the titie, "Galilean Skies.'* brings a Galilean interpretatio.n of the Shepherd Psalm. In native costume- for this.. entertainrnent. he aéccomp:anies his talk býy color- ed pictures both moving and stili. and appropriate music. It Mr. Haboush is the only native Is Galilean speaker in North Amnerica. rn Known now as a lecturer, author. r- and, world ttraveler, -he was fore. a ly called "The Shepherd Boy of Gai- 'f lilee." Born and reared on the ?r western :shores of the Sea of Gali- lee thirteen miles from the ancient city of Nazareth, he spent twelve years of hîs youth as a sheph'erd. * He is now a naturalized citizen of America and speaks Engllsh fluent- S ly, having been educated in Ameni- ofcan universities as well as abroad. ofMr. Haboush recently returned frorn the cost and loss of school buildings and, equiprnent covered by insurance, and the cost of maintaining the Coun- ty Treasurer's office. He has recently organized a speakers. group com- psdof parents and educators to present these flndings, to people. liv- ing in this Lake Shore division. Any-. one interested in the school situation wW iJJnd Dr.. Cheney's presentation very interesting. Mrs. Henry. W. Drucker is chairman of the civics Af.-rmnt oft he <club. bringing some.-very speciai music, ,%ith Miss Lydila Koch, organist, Mrs. M. Dressier and Miss Grace Parma- lee, soloists, and a trio of sÉmall sîng- ersý the Misses Frances Guthridge. Charlene Main, and Patricia Bucký býorough. Mrs. W. A. Hartwigs Link E will serve the luncheon at 1. o'clock. Members are urged. to at- tend this very special Christmas meeting. Clifton P. Walker, chairman. anid Mesdames J. W. Dienhart. Frank t$onnersberger, t)ènnis Harrison, Edward A. Hoffrnan, F'ranik J, Kra- cha, Max J. Xelling, William D. Lear v. George F. Lundv. G. Wal- lace Moore, Samuel ,H. Moore. John J. Tracey. many ofincn lie l so.zme one has said that each .of his travel- ogues is equal to a six-month's visit to the Holy Land. *The department of home and edu- cation is responsible for this meet- ing. M.\rs. John Holmes îs, chair- man. Preceding Mr. Haboush's talk. there will be a few minutes devoted- to, the singing of Christmnas carols bythe children's chorus. of Skokie en~ in5 5L UMr Jup oi m e a rty .3 iUAr AIer c~ iass m a e s m zLLS i ASA. 1 have a Christmas grade at St. Francis school, and yDecember 12. several other friends. WILMETTE LIF E Mrs. iey...ý pogram.n

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