Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1938, p. 60

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Makes Plans for' December Wedding àMiss. Eleanor Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph.F.-Potter of 925 Chestnut avenue. Wilmette. has set the date for her weddin*g to- Wil liam Bunje of Findlay, Ohio. The cermony will take place ai 8:30 o'clock in the eve- ning, Satùrday, December 17,. ini the chapel of. the First Methodist church ýof Evanst.on, with Dr. Ernest Fremiont Tittie officiating, and will be followed by a recep- tion held in. the Georgian hotel. Mrs. Norman, Brown, sister of the bride, will be matron of honor while Miss Katharine Idler, Mrs. Floyd Haas. and Miss Jean Bunje, sister of the bridegroom. wiil serve as bridesniaids. *Robert Bunje, brother of the bride- groom, is comning from Los Angeles to serve as his brother's besi rman. The ushers will be Norton Potter, brother of the bride, Argyle Wolf of River Forest, and John Malloy z>! Grand Rapids, Mich. Numerous.parties are planned for the bride beginning with a personal *shower given by Mrs. Fl1oyd Haas in her home on South Park avenue, One of the North. Shore's De- cember brides will be Miss El- eanor Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Patter of Wilmette. Miss Potter will be married tb William Bunje, of Findlay. Ohio, Saturday, evening, Decem ber 17, in the chapel of the First Method- ist chnrch of Evanston. The wed- ding reception ii be held ut the Georgian. Carlos Photo One, of Winnetka"s important wed- dings of early spring wilIl be that of Miss Nancy Brown to Clarence Boyd Jones of Evanston. The engagement of the youn'g people is arinouniced this week by Dr. -and Mrs.. E.. V. L. Brown, of 529 Cedar street, and, the wedding 'is. planned. for--h -trst week in April. ,Miss Brown, a North Shore Coun- try Day'school alumna, xvas, grad- uated i1937,frorn Smnith college. She, ade her debut at a Christmas day tea four years, ago. and is a member of the Chicago, Junior league. Her, fiance, son of, Mrs. Walter Clyde Jones, of Evanston, gyraduated fromn the Hill school. Y~ unîver- sity, and the North\wes¶elrn univer- sîty a sehool.I, Chistening Tea Frederick Benjamin MUartin,. infant son of .Mr. and Mýrs. George Butler Martin of Niles Center, formerly oif Wilmette, was guest of honor ai a snall tea held ai the Martin home, after his christening last Sunday afternoon in the Episcopal Mission i Nules Center. Dr. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustine's Episcopal church in Wilmette officiated at the service. The baby is. nanied for his paternal j, Miss, Margaret Anne Linde- inan s engagemenît to Robert Bal- four- Mathieson2. Jr., of Colurn-ý bus. Ohio, was announcèd last week by her parenits. Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Henry Linidemyan ýtof 1098 Spruce street. Winnetka. Her, fianc.'s farýnily lives in, Kenil-' u;orth. Merrill Chase Photo ai -a luncheon, bridge, and batflroom shower on December 10, and a Sunday evening tea is being given by Mrs. John Thurston of Evanston Decem- ber 1iL: Mrs. Fred Ebeling of Evanstoni enteî'.ained the mnembers of h e.r card club and Miss Potier ai a linen sho)wer a short trne ago. Afier a wedding trip to New Or- leans, Mr. Bunje and his bride will make their home in Los Angeles. The, en gagement of* Miss Eloise Chase to Jack K. Heitman, son of Mrs. Fred P. Heitman o! Wilxnette, wasannounced at a luncheon Satur- day at the home of the bride's moth- er, Mrs. Frank D. Chase of Evans- ton. The engagement was revealed by a talking phonograph record. The wedding will be April 15. ia quiet wedding, attended only by the mnembers. of the two famîiles. Miss Hester Mae Dillon will be mar- ried Thursday evening, December 8, at 8 o'clock to Charles Stanhope Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. B. Adams of 1330 Church sireet, E-vans- ton. The ceremony wiil take place at the home of the bride's grand- mnother, Mrs. William B. Pavies, 147 Robsart place, Kenilworth, the Rev. George. P. Magili of Wilmette offici- léUga e bbLr Miss Detweiler attended North- western university, where she joined Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr., Hayes, an alurýmus of the University of Wisconsin, is now connected with the International Business Machines corporation. Miss Ruth Skinner of Julesberg, Colo., was the houseguesi recently of. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur -G. Nelson, 1119 Elmwood avenue. in Wilmette at avenue. Mathew -Francis ent-s Yorkc on the S. S. Manihattan and- i o ariived home.Saturday from a trip now abroad. They wêre away fur two 1505 months, t r a v e 1 i n g in Germany, France, Switzeniand, England and.' Photo Ireland. WILMETTE LIFE

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