-M4~-i#re 4affreys-of Gl~encoe is re gent of the Kaskaskla chap- ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, which. is having its Decem ber meeting Tuesdaij, at the home of Mrs. Arthur L. Allais in Chica go, Mrs. Jeffreyis has been pro gram andL banquet chcdrman of the Illinois Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, president of the Tenth district of the Ili- nois Federation o! Women's Clubs, and iresident of the Wom- Mrs. Van der Vries to Address D. A. R. The Kaskaskia cheap te r of the D. A. R. wilI hold its December meet- ing et the home of Mrs. Arthur L. AUlais,,5145 University avenue, Chi- cago, at noon, December 13. Ater luncheon there will be held a Constitution question box to be conducted by Mrs. Louis A. Sher- When the Nortb Shore group of Gamma Phi Beta meets at the chap- ter house at 1:30, December 14, for its reg ular rnonthly meeting, it will be entertained instead of doing the entertaining 7- for the North Side group, which is one of SiX.group>s which, make up the Chicago alumnae chapter, bas assumned ail responisi- bility for the party, and bas planned' a des sert bridge -With a group of .piano selections by one of its, own members as an àdded-'teatuire. Mrs.. Allan URamsay of Chicago, ýchairman of the Nort h Side group, bas appointed Mrs. ýFloyd..Treat to take charge of the, arrangemnents with Mrs. C. Victor Herbert and Mrs. R. T . Tailon as ber, assistants. The piano program, will be given by Mrs. Viktor Papescb whostudied mrusic at Curtis institute in Phila- delphia and' also studied for five seasons in Vienna under Prof essor Moriz Rosenthal. Mrs. Papescb bas also appeared witb the Denver Symý. phny orhetra, ltalian Club Program on Two Nofed Authors The Italian, Cultural club of the *North Shore met on Sunday after- noon, December 4, at the borne of Mrs. D. C. Campana, 251 Linden poemns of tne two autnorsi ams delightful way. Many members and guests frorn ,Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, High- land Park, Evanston, and Chicagoi were present. Among the guests was a representative of the Radio Journal - The daily broadcast ofj news in Italian is from 9 to 9:151 o' dock mornings on WCBD. *Two Young guests from Chicago university wnUAe mU sciic . tlt next meeting of the North Sbore Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi which wiIl be beld on Friday, December 16.. Luncheon will be serve&. at l> o'clock, and, bridge will. be played in .the, afternoon. There will, be a. sale of articles, made at the Pi Beta ýPhi settlement school, in Gatlinburg, Tenn. :The settlement scbool was.orga nized by the sorority twenty-six I years ago, ini a community wbich it. feit to be in great need of such a project. It started-out ,With one, teacher'in one room, anid has progre, ssed to an ele- mentary school with Is ix, teachers and. three hundred pupils,, a n d a higb school with five teachers- and ninety-two pupils, in modern buld-" ings.. The scbool offers many advant- ages. to the whole community. The fields of agriculture, industrial arts, tieâlth'É;Érviceand fhomfêe eonotn1.es are well developed, and they were chosen with the view of making the community .self supporting. It is of mnterest that there is flot one per- son on federal relief there. One of the outstanding features of the school is a well equipped bospital. Mrs. Edwarcl M. Torcom, 2413 T1hayer street, Evanston, is i charge fof the sale. She is the settlement 1school chairman of the North Shore Libushka B ar t u sek, native ,Cze.hostvkisan,, wlU .gi.v e a descriptive story, in dance, of "St. Nicholas Night in Czechoslo- vakia," at the guest meeting of the Evanston and North Shore alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta Wednesdati, December 14, at 1 o'clock, at Le Petit Gourmet in- Chi~ca go. Part in Rockforci EvonfS lbe held Tues 2 o'clock in Miss Donna Webster, daughter of in Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Webster of 1214 Mrs. Gertr Lake avenue, Wilmette, is. ser.ving mentator, wi]' as chairman. of the publicity com- after which mittee for 'the Rockford college for- Christmas p mal Christmas dance on Saturday, chorus fromn December 10, et the. Nelson hotel perish i CI in Rockford. rection of thE Miss Frances Rapp, daugbter of kie, will entq Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Rapp of of beautiful December 13s, at Community Mouse rude C.' Lieber, com- Il discuss world events, will foflow a spe cial rogram. The boys' 1Our Lady of 'Lourdes 'hcago, under the di- ýe Rev. Donald B. Run- ertain with a number selections which have main for a Weelc. WILMETTE LIFER