'l~ ~rzi pageant 15: Reader .. ........ Joafl Smtnth Mary................... Eana Skinner Joseph .................. Bill Schrnick Shepherdt.................... Bill Steitz Shepherd .... ý............ Edwin ?helps Shepherd ......... ......... Bxd Krampe WîeMan ...........Gordon Matson Wise Man .............ÇCharles Morrison Wise Man.........aneton Emersonl Accomipanists- Shirley Spanigler and. Mary Helen Marmaduke The children who will sing. carols were selecte.d from the third . and throughl the sixth grades, and-the Boys' Glee club and the. Girls' Glee club. The program flos it Came Upon the Midnight ................. ............ Aerican troofthe Birds ..... .....French Oer the Cradie of a King ....... french .Angels and Shepherds .... ....Bohemian Angels' We Have Heard on High..............FncEghh Away in a Manger........ ...... German WhatCan I Give Himi?,.*....... Aerican We Three Kings of Orient Are. Aniericanl What Child Is This?............. Englîsh *The Infant'Jesus...............IDalian 0 Cornp. Ail Ye' Eaithful..Earliv Latin * Silent Night .............. ......Germian 0 Holy Night . ........... ...... French .Jov to the W(ïild . .... Q 11a * S t age Crewýý-Edrntind G r ass. Charles Til. irc Jacobsen. Jack Clark, BillBeck.~ The prograrns verc printed by Dick Hotze and Edw-,in Phelps. The cover design of the progran-is, haS been done by Nancy Shea ron.1 A trio composed of Robert Geppert, Bruice Smnith, and IMcLain Bercaw, wilplay diiring the evening. *The children. of the schools xil be ive an opportunity to sec the they arc asked not to attend the evening 'progratxx The parents will receive an invita- tion to corne on a. specific night. Mrs. Paul Robertsonl is program chair- *man of. Central-Laurel P. T. A. She will be î n charge of the pageant a.,si-sted by, the. teachers of thé, school. Miss Betty Folsom, 945 Michigan a venue, will be home in about ten days from St. Mary-of-theý-WoodS college in Indiana, and her sister, Dorothy. xii be home a vewýý days Infr fnm Rnçpront college in Chevrolet's new i"dcar Wtl CGV ,-, ice Iriy rmalad'f Thank .You! Yrours very truiY, John1 S. Sameison, 2526 Thornwood. avenue ONLY CHEVROLET Bring you cilteeessenfial fealures of a moder. up-1'o-date, pride- worthy cor at car , 611 GI lower . prices 'fil