Close in Wilmette home ini first class condition. Eight roonis, deep wooded lot, feneed yard. First floor has. living room, dinng room. kitchen, and bath. Second floor, four bedrooms and bath. Câll Mr. Stacey. SHORE-TOWNS. REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chiéago Avenue, Evanston, Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 _____________________.147LTN31-tc WAS-$25,OO0 NOW-$16,500 Wthout doubt the best value for the m oney' East Wilmette brick colonial. 5 bdirrns., 3 ýtue baths, beau, porches,' near all*schQolq & transp -1t won't Iast long. Call Mrs.. Mead. THE BILLS REALTVý,, mc. 50Davis St. Wil. 3740 Gre. 1166 _______ _______ ___147LTN31-ltc> A HOME AND INCOME WILMETTE DUPLEX-WELI< BUILT. arid in excellent condition. 'Fxve roomas and bath. and 4 roomns and bath. Hot watri heat, lot 50 x 160, 3 car garage. Net incomt, $530 Prîce $9000-.Call Mr. Stacey SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Ch icago Avenue, Evanston Gre. '2700 Wil 6003 Rogý. Pk. 663.6 _____________147L1'N31-1tc INDIAN HIILÉT N Brick residence, 4 bedrms. 2 baths, , ttn<h. heated garage, HWO heat. Con- 1 tJuse Firetericl< A. Cooper 1505 Chicago Avienuie Gre. or Shel. 3030 826 Elnwood- E. Wilmette Comolnetely modernized, bath floors 7, rms, 12 baths, new heating Kev fnr inspection Kenilworth Realty Ca. Wii. 507 1ý47LTNq31-lie S.E. WILMETTE. FIVE ROOM BUNeA- lôw. modern kitchen.. extra roons on second floor, partitioned but not finished. In the best of condition. gar. h.w. gas. wi'e lot with nice trees. Abargain at $7900.00. FREDERICK A. COOPER 170,f5 Chicago Ave. Evans., Gr(-. or Sitel. ?030. 147LTN3-ltC IS VYXR t10UE OR IEN O sale? If sn list it with me today. 1 have desirable tenants and buvers. Call on me for your. Automobile, Pire. Arci. dent. Life nr Casualty Insurance service. JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN, Real Estate _ Notary Public -Irisuralc'e Wnnetka 1760 558 Green Ba~v Rd. 147LTN28-4te ON ASHLAND LOVELY 8 RM HOUSE. IN TOP LOCA- lion. Will ;n-ririse at $14,000. Heirs mieht take $11.500. NORTH SH1ORE REALTY I THE kBILLS-'REALTY,hInc.- '510. Davis S.t. Gre. 1169 Wil. 3740 I 151LIrNSI1te ýSplendid Building, Site NORTHEAST CORNER 13M. AND) ELM. wood. Xicely wooded, suitable for 2 hiouses. Price reduced, R. M. JOHNSTON &CO. O0pposite -V' Terminal Wî1mtte 444 151LTN3I.ltc ESTATE DIS TRICT MUST BlE SOLD -CHOICE WOODED ree.75x129: or 150'12-Ad.ioifs La- ~.itR.and Indian Hill Club grounds-: $0prfont. QUINLAN & TYSON,Jnc. 584 LncolnAve.Winn. 177 584 incin ve.151LTN3-1tc WILMETTE--CHOICE BUILDING SITE, $1,600 50 x 194. AU imtnvemnenti in and oaid. Pavlik Realty, 614 Green Bay Rd. Kenilworth 2016. 151LTN31-tp 171 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 36 PCS. STERLING SILVER FLAT- ware. $40. Fine eut glass vuncli bowl. $25. Antiques -cherrv niehtstand, $12. tilt and revolving table, $10; small wal-- nut chest. $10 large Audubon bird pic- tures, onlv $25; many other aid bird and sportlng pictures. Some old decan- ters. lamos and gla!-s-modern: 011 sea- ~cape, fine frame,S 12: oil stili life flower,& $25. solid cherry drop leaf dining or LE table $50. electrie mantel chi e dock, Couch, sofa, and sorne antique Plece's. Can be seen by appointmaelt, call Wini- netka 1389. 171LT31-ltP R A R E, BEAU UL HEPPLWE IT buffet and three piece table# CenturY Phone Cedar est 113,5 evenlngs. Mý-SCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLI) god.Chinese oriental rug!3, smau» Orientisl,'. Brand new long strlp of Red Fox aiinnetkia 2294: or Wlnnetka 1206. 17L31-ltp> $40SERVICE PAE.LVL AI aid red Royal Worcester chinla. Wifl sei for $85. Ph. ýGiencoe 792. 171LTNq31tC 178WTD TO mu-"NLD. 000». CAS;H FOR, YoUR USED FURNITURE modern or antkie,' and other. house- hold. article§. WifiI* alsa .àccept your furnIture on cônsignneflt ba01s.ý,' CROST-FURNITURE STORE Eitablished 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., tvanstan. Uni. 0199 172LTN39-tfC 7 ww4U,,pytp1pi for your. used furni- ture. bri.a4à,rad, 'Iou1hd'arils boolcs and :mén's cothing. Winretka 1522.172LTN29-4tP .UOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL K NS BOUGHT-SOLD AND EXCHANGED Fel',ýs36 Cugter Avenue 172LTN30-4tP 1173 FOR SALE-MSCEILLANOUS pUpy, MALE, SPItINGER SPANIEL. 2 mo.. men's overcoats, womnan's new i spal fur coat. irl's coït, 14, boy's sheep linedtl at, 12., miscel. elOthg. Tw, 38, 140 Lin coîn Ave. Winnetka 147LTN: MOVE IN TOMORROI No need to repair and decorate charming wel1 built house sitùated large wooded lot close t alal coni iences yet in a country atmnosph, Attractive L. rin, over 35 ft. long v French'.indow\s on 3 sides. For ther details phone Mrs. Matthiew BAIRD & WARNER Briargate 1855 Winnetk, 147LTN neighbor] a 3250 a purchý j3ý.t 1I.nan. Lot furnace. Hardwôoad Mors. 3 porches.. iest iateesfine imoge cl (i>'LWb, .n w '-tiv on our list. FULTLER & PICKARD. set. Oriental rugs, 9x12 Dom., rug ths Winn. 3603. Univ. 7444. 147LTN31-tc 1911 Groveland Ave. Hlighland Park d on wiLmETE-5 BOOM, 1 BATH HME__________1 LT yen- .2 car. garage. Corner lot in choice FOR SALE--CHAIR AND SETT!l iere. location. A buy at $6,500. Only %1.000 cac-h Nea-classie periad, alsa 2 Renalc with' Bàlan ce like vent. Pavlik Realty, 614 styled chairs. Upholstering. rem fur- Green Bay. Rd. genilw,%orth 2016. Same very fine pieces 10 cents ar 's. 147LTN31-Itp osef Stulac. 562 Green Bay Rd., POR- worth 5640. . 171LTN 151 FO AE-VACANT ANTIQUE WAJ2'NUT LOVE SEN ýa 2700 - fruit carvd chairs, 6 black sie J31- - Indian Hill Disýtriet-5ox150, all inprove-, chairs, fotstools and, other small ments in, reduced ta ........... $3000 for, Xmas. At reasonable prices. snow suit. 8-10 y icoat, 16-18. gir's1 ýp bcd. Phone Wil.: F' FULL 'SIZE CRI !e SPRING. S. WHITE LAPIN P. good cçindition, p skin lined metai day i73LTN31-ltP ?ESS, ANI) PN. SIZE 38, nnetka 4137., 179LT31-ltP' 421 RichmTond - n .uuu urtl 040 b $600 147LTN31-ltc Well built 4 room brick bungalow with 6 rm. efficiency. Oit ht. Exclusive locationi. Winnetka 269., ý147LTN31-tp ;;;1it wa LI 1 )dcl enairg, T . 0