FILLES) WÏTH PECAN ICE CREAM 33c SERVE 4 ORt 5 SAVIE THE COUPON Fo't THE MlGsow1 S«. Us fer D.f.Jits SNID!R CýiAZEL DRUG-CO. I117 %Arle Av.. W;i. -4M0 RIDGE AVE. PHARMàACY * HOXSORED AT RNSLE ~ wçr~. ha h~ene1e ,D memnber- sh i inL.C R.. ooryidga- a uate elecrîcal ersp~ Ciety at fiC ResearPvehc I -S t -»tu te, Trv-. 'N. Y..wer he is a sophýo- rre. The puarpose c~ the, L.C.R. glroiu:stopmom.té better feibwbi ýrrgsturden in 'e eectrical er.à g ne e r cor e r. &K rxip, i. te a crjn rA M#rand Ms.Wa!ter'A. JE ~ op221 a nv 'c k roiad. and a Sgraduate Go!'NeÉwT r:e r -zhch:ol. IHOLIDAY VISITORS m r.and Mrs, W. J.,11og-mrry a are a rriv 'ng nex't week :L-orm theLr h. ome ini Marvville. M,). to sperd + te hoI.da7s -ith Mn-,MrE erv s brother' and sse-niv~ 1.and nr- C- utW. c', 1 230 Ge'-rn- nLmr.g road- R CHRISTMAS I " L.d from the T-MAS GIVE ST PATTERN 'N S Offes Crîstas rutson, TheF~stCc-gegtinal Chrh hors nd soloists. under the diree- tý6n ýof 3Mss E ýnilij Roberts and Richardý Steen, wîfl present Bach's C h7-_ rias Qr~ Octo"io. Parts I and II, ut the, Ves'per service, Sundal/ after- n ron. Decer.ber 18, ut 4'o'clock. T.he soloists are: Waler Tenney, (Ze t) SCreieTerney. (right) soprano, Carmin Learn, bass, and Ethe? <~ tri~. ri.e ~l 73. SMake Plans for Gala r"v-ded, s,ýax sc":,s.eých n- ý,I i' c'-gma r),nee SmrSlt~ how at'fP rish House "-:c w s e h rc'med at he ix Friday evenifig. Januarv 13. there c~ re~uve curc fes~v~s %vill be held in t}ie pariFh house of. Irem r -t:n g tIhe birth (o! Chr'st. Un- any ci'er c,ýBoseh. St. Augyustine's Enigconal chiurch a î~ ~ exn ryot er cn-ser."Gala A1-Parish Revue and Com- r~ rechurch feeli*ng. aP bS ad- uity Sine.- 'I1v affair is being 1erence to ihe cuzstorrs and beliefs nrornoted bv the Junior chqloter o f -I! *he church are beautifuily depiet- tbe Brother1hood of St. And-ew .o! aed ;n the festýal cheer!-ulness and in- 'St. Augustine's. con--istin2 of boys .r.oer. swetnss hich characterîzeranging frorn 10 to 13 er of' age. uhe ch.-miring rrnelodies f!ound in the Plans are beine forrulated by the sho'v.- Dodds Miss J Woo-r+er teNort] beare-s , !rôm the Cnurcn 1ult-É- '- -.1 bring representative' g ifts nuartets. a preview o! the coning bite Gift, Candielight service. St: Augustine's. Mntel and a _____________variety. of amateur vaudeville per- .foirmers presentingl their acts with. sFamilv XVWi11 a professional flourîsh. e Aw-av for Holiday it.To top the evening there wil be Btty Dodds. a student at '-refreshments, combined %vith a good college in Ohio, returns. tolold-fashiored Community Sing! .h Shore this Saturday .Next weeK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1"%-F OeRLErau LlUt' ~ V*3 A,* av ANS.*. and Mrs. Hector Dodds o! 720 Prai- rie avenue,- and. their four children 'regcor.y avenue. left last week-end s e. Cream 1166 WILMETTE AVE. mus %ýýjs XIV